Suzi, smuggle in some rum. I hear it's even worse than I thought.
Regarding Kingsman, I read a disturbing spoiler about the end of the movie and I don't want to go see it if it's true. When someone here has seen the movie, I would like to know if it's true.
No need to smuggle in booze (though I may bring my flask anyw) as the theater we are going to delivers alcohol to your seat.
I have incredibly low expectations. At this point I'm hoping it is so bad that everyone will be laughing at it. not what I would expect from the trailers. Huh.
I'll probably still see it, though.
Well, it's always nice to see places where I can save money .
Thanks,Tom. That's the one. I won't be seeing it. Man,I am really glad for that warning.I would have been mad to have paid for that.
I was already dubious, but that just convinced me to hop on board the Wachowski's Crazy Train instead this weekend. Or maybe that Jeff Bridges trainwreck - it looks vaguely similar to Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, so there's an off chance some campy fun might be hidden inside.
it looks vaguely similar to Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, so there's an off chance some campy fun might be hidden inside.
Or Jeremy Renner's naked backside?
Edit: What, so I watched the scene at the pond two or three times, so what?
I'm heading off to the Crazy Train with friends on Sunday. I expect there to be a lot of popcorn on the floor at the showing.