Jupiter Ascending is SO BAD, y'all. Have a drink or two, get a bucket of popcorn, and go see it. It's hilarious!
I understand why 13-year-old girls love it. It's Cinderella In Space! With her evil stepfamily! And instead of Prince Charming - whom she doesn't need because she's the long-lost QUEEN OF EARTH - she falls in love with the Huntsman! Who rescues her in the nick of time at least 7 times! Granted, she rescues herself two or three times, and beats the holy snot of out of a villain with a rebar, and saves her family with her Wits and Courage and Honorable Heart. There are many battle sequences and chase sequences and they are spectacular and they go on for hours! There is an eight-minute-long chase scene. And the dialog is ridiculous. This movie has the single stupidest line of explanatory dialog I've ever heard. I laughed out loud in the theater.
If this were actually written by an adolescent girl, I'd think, hey, not bad for a young person! Keep writing! But it was written by Lana and Andy Wachowski and oh my goodness it's bad. It's a teenage girl Mary Sue of the first order. Every sci-fi cliche is represented. Charming-Huntsman even got to fight a dragon!
Mila Kunis says Holy crap a lot because she's Just An Ordinary Girl, and I couldn't understand half of what Sean Bean or Eddie Redmayne said. But the bureaucracy sequence is intentionally funny, and um, yeah, the visuals are spectacular, and... look, it's just silly. It's pretty and silly and great for a laugh. See it at a matinee.