Charlie Jane's review of Kingsman on i09 says that it's "psychotically violent" and compared it to Kick Ass and the other Millar movie (Wanted, I think?).
See, I'm totally okay with the [spoilery] ending, because the description sounds cartoonishly OTT, but when the rest of the movie is described as "psychotically violent," like Kick Ass, I'm going to have to nope out of it. I can't handle that shit.
Maybe we will have to see the Wachowskis' Crazy Train after all.
Crazy Train is very pretty.
If you think you ever might want to see Jupiter Standing Around Until Channing Tatum Rescues Her*, see it in 3D on a really big screen so you can at least appreciate the pretty.
(* I kid, I kid, There's one scene where she climbs a ladder, so the actual title is quite apt.)
Trailer for Crimson Peak! [link]
Which is apparently being put before showings of 50 Shades (uggggggh) at Regal cinemas.
CRIMSON PEAK TRAILER. I have not been this excited about a movie in a long time. I'm flaily enough that I'm going to start researching who I need to contact to get a press kit, because I want to promote the film on GCS.
But I like the
but I am biased because
beekeeper's daughter.
Ooooh, Crimson Peak looks so good! But also like I will need to see it at a matinee because I am a scaredy-cat.
I am convinced to see Jupiter Ascending this week, now do I go tomorrow first showing, or Tuesday after work (bargain night)? Hm. If I want IMAX it'd better be tomorrow.
Man, I watched that trailer, and flashed right back to ita's reaction to the use of
Red Right Hand
(Which was also a Del Toro movie. Huh.)
Oh, come now. Jupiter falls off of... well, everything and gets kidnapped and rescued a lot, but once she gets her feet under her (metaphorically), she handles herself pretty good. She doesn't just climb a ladder, she climbs a ladder that's collapsing off an impossibly high structure, and then beats the crap out of a bad guy who's trying to kill her. All by herself. She also makes her own decisions, for better or worse; nobody tells her what to do. People try to influence her and use her and kill her, but nobody orders her around. I think this is a GREAT movie for girls and young women, frankly, and I think Jupiter is an excellent role model far beyond wearing a lot of pretty dresses and becoming a space queen.
There, I bucked the popular trend of hating on JA. Everyone can make fun of the silly OTT movie (and it really is silly and way OTT and SPACE BEES), but I'm still right: it's a fun and gorgeous movie, it's a great movie for girls, and it's no stupider than Star Wars or Superman.
Male adolescent power fantasies become hits, and female adolescent power fantasies get made fun of, regardless of their objective quality (or lack thereof). I'm getting a little sick of it, tbh.
Crimson Peak looks incredible. ::bounces::
Oh, and someone on Tumblr made a great point. There are a lot of women (and POC!) in this movie; besides Jupiter herself, there are three "main secondary" female characters. And there are two macho warriors, a big scary male bounty hunter, and two evil male villians. And you know what there is not? A rape threat, or slut-shaming, or a gender-based insult or threat of any kind. Not one. I can't think of any other movie with a "strong female character" that hasn't had at least one of these. Even in happy fun GotG, Gamora gets called a whore. By her own teammate. In JA, there's not even a hint of it.