{{{Sean}}} I know it's been horrific for you. I'm glad that there's some inkling of a light at the end of this very long tunnel.
In meme news, I appear to have either food poisoning or a stomach virus. I felt a bit queasy last night but wrote it off as too much sugar. I woke up this morning a little before 6 to get ready for work and felt downright wretched, but I soldiered through a shower and makeup and getting dressed and even got in my car and drove a few miles before I decided that it was not a good idea to go in. So I called work, came home, emailed in some sub plans, and crawled into bed. Slept until noon hoping to sleep it off, but I got sick as soon as I woke up. Now I'm curled in bed with saltines, ginger ale, and a bag. Lovely. I was supposed to have friends over tonight, but that has been postponed since I have a suspicion I won't move much or eat anything for a while.
At least it held off until after my birthday.