How you doing, Mr Sean?
Meh. Busy as hell with work right now. Have been since the start of the year. I'm currently working on a show called Stormy Weather, which is about the life of Lena Horne. It stars Leslie Uggams as Lena, and that's how I got to meet Uhura last night -- she and Dionne Warwick had stopped by after the show to see Leslie. So yeah, I got to meet Dionne Warwick briefly as well last night, but I was way more impressed by meeting (and getting a hug from) Nichelle.
Work was really busy through January, as it was the Tech From Hell, but now that we're open, it's a little better. We still do EIGHT shows a week, and my only real day off is Monday.
At home, well.... Things have been rocky. Have been for a very long time now, but it's been really bad of late. S and I are continuing this process of breaking up that's been going on since last August (and got interrupted by the Extended Hospital Stay From Hell). We're packing up most of her stuff to put into storage (the storage pod arrives this Monday), and trying to get ready to ship her off to Texas.
This has made our already stressful relationship even more stressful, and has produced screaming fights almost daily. The fights aren't always counter productive, because they usually end with us actually communicating and trying to figure out what went so horribly wrong (both in the fight, and in the relationship in general), but it's adding more stress to a situation that passed Unbearably Stressful a long time ago.
Basically, we're trying to go through this breakup process in my almost nonexistent spare time.
There's been good stuff recently -- I've been making a bunch of new friends on the show, and I've been going out occasionally (something that's been a rare occurrence over the last four years).
There's been other good stuff, too, but I'ma have to remain a little more cryptic about that for now.