And I got here too late to help with the math. Darn.
Yeah, me too. I worked it out before checking. I think the key (because the amount of numbers involved can be overwhelming) is to break it down to one problem at a time. First, how much does the car cost per day? Then work out how much each person owes per day, which is easier at that point.
Of course, nobody cares anymore. But I think a lot about how to explain these things.
Okay, this Obamaicon killed me:
Not as cute as mac or Noah but Chicago Bobamicon!
eta but still very cute, I think!
But I think a lot about how to explain these things.
Thank you! I wish I'd had you for 4th grade math!
What I really want to see from Obama is some sort of investigation/prosecution of Bush
et al
for violations of US and international law in the torture of detainees. I know Obama wants to "look forward" but maybe he can appoint Patrick Fitzgerald to head an investigation? If prosecutions are warranted, I'm sure Obama could do a good job explaining to the people why they're necessary.
Thank you! I wish I'd had you for 4th grade math!
Well, I'm not saying I actually SUCCEED in explaining things well. Just that I think about it!
Do you think Obama could just reopen the WPA? That would be cool.
Obama to Bush: I Can Release Your Records. Don't Like It? Sue.
SQUEE!!! Does this mean they might prosecute for illegal Bush activities? Cause I thought I heard that Obama has been making noises about not doing that ("moving forward, not looking back") and to that I say FUCK NO! PROSECUTE! It's important as it sets a precedent for future administrations.
tommy, I'm with you almost 100%. Because "looking forward" doesn't just mean "stop it," it means "never again." That means we have to investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute.
The only part where I differ is that by saying, "Bush et al," you're suggesting that the investigation expressly include certain particular individuals. The investigation can't be seen to prejudge anyone. The point is to fix it, not to get back at anyone.
to that I say FUCK NO! PROSECUTE! It's important as it sets a precedent for future administrations.
Not only that, but it sends an important message to our friends and enemies that we're a nation of laws to which even our leaders are accountable.
Hi there!
So I hate to be a killjoy WRT Obama's tough talk about releasing all of Bush's presidential records, but I thought that much of it has already been destroyed. Didn't Cheney's office already destroy all email, cell phone records, etc? Or am I misremembering?