tommy, I'm with you almost 100%. Because "looking forward" doesn't just mean "stop it," it means "never again." That means we have to investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute.
The only part where I differ is that by saying, "Bush et al," you're suggesting that the investigation expressly include certain particular individuals. The investigation can't be seen to prejudge anyone. The point is to fix it, not to get back at anyone.
to that I say FUCK NO! PROSECUTE! It's important as it sets a precedent for future administrations.
Not only that, but it sends an important message to our friends and enemies that we're a nation of laws to which even our leaders are accountable.
Hi there!
So I hate to be a killjoy WRT Obama's tough talk about releasing all of Bush's presidential records, but I thought that much of it has already been destroyed. Didn't Cheney's office already destroy all email, cell phone records, etc? Or am I misremembering?
Didn't Cheney's office already destroy all email, cell phone records, etc?
I'm not sure. A lot, anyway.
Does this mean they might prosecute for illegal Bush activities? Cause I thought I heard that Obama has been making noises about not doing that ("moving forward, not looking back") and to that I say FUCK NO! PROSECUTE! It's important as it sets a precedent for future administrations.
I remember hearing some dude somewhere (this was a few weeks ago, plz forgive lack of brain) say that the best way to go about it would be to appoint a (political) committee to assemble a (non-political) committee to delve into any possibly prosecutable offenses made by the former Administration and to make a case for the prosecution of said acts. That way, it gives time for the nation to heal and things to get back on course, while still Doing Something about it. Also, it gives time to build a real case.
Especially since in places like NYC and SF, rents are holding steady. In San Francisco, average rent is projected to go up 3.3% this year, with only a minor bump in vacancy.
I find that hard to believe since I have been vaguely looking since August and there has been a noticeable downturn ($50-100) in my price range and things are available for much longer on craigslist now than in the fall. Unless that projection is for the coming year and they are using a January low as a base.
As much as I'd like to see government officials held accountable, no way do I want Obama presenting it as something at the front of his agenda right now. Nor would I want it to appear that he was spending a lot of white house time on it. way do I want Obama presenting it as something at the front of his agenda right now. Nor would I want it to appear that he was spending a lot of white house time on it.
I agree. Which is why I think letting Fitz deal with it for a few months or a year might be a good way to go.
I'm curious - how do the First Daughters get to school? Does the Secret Service take them? Is there a whole motorcade, or just one Chevy Suburban?
Any adequate investigation would take time. Even assuming destruction of a lot of documents, there should be quite a few left. Witnesses would have to be found and interviewed. Whoever is conducting the investigation would have to recommend action, and I'd bet good money that several Cabinet members (and possibly the President himself) would be involved in reviewing those recommendations.
Who should investigate? I'd suggest a team (maybe three? five?) of senior civil-service-level Justice Department attorneys, a team of senior civil-service-level investigators from Homeland Security, and at least one or two senior civil-service-level advisors from Defense.