rents in my hood are definately flat, but I think sale prices are now starting down after holding steady.
Just out of my area, I think sale prices are dropping faster, but single family houses are nowhere near affordable until you get into sketchy areas.
I listened to NPR on the way to work this morning just because they kept saying, "President Obama." I didn't particularly care what they were reporting about, I just got a buzz out of hearing, "President Obama" every 3 minutes or so.
Where can you do the Obama-izing, Kat???
I have no idea how rents are doing around me, but my rent didn't go UP, and I was happy about that.
meara: Obama Iconizer I am contemplating doing N and G and getting a shirt for each of them with the icon on it.
Damn, I need to pay better attention. Sorry, meara.
yeah, I did one of mac at obamaicon or something. I am debating changing it a bit and getting a shirt or something.
And I got here too late to help with the math. Darn.
Yeah, me too. I worked it out before checking. I think the key (because the amount of numbers involved can be overwhelming) is to break it down to one problem at a time. First, how much does the car cost per day? Then work out how much each person owes per day, which is easier at that point.
Of course, nobody cares anymore. But I think a lot about how to explain these things.
Okay, this Obamaicon killed me:
Not as cute as mac or Noah but Chicago Bobamicon!
eta but still very cute, I think!
But I think a lot about how to explain these things.
Thank you! I wish I'd had you for 4th grade math!
What I really want to see from Obama is some sort of investigation/prosecution of Bush
et al
for violations of US and international law in the torture of detainees. I know Obama wants to "look forward" but maybe he can appoint Patrick Fitzgerald to head an investigation? If prosecutions are warranted, I'm sure Obama could do a good job explaining to the people why they're necessary.