Did anyone ever find out why Cheney was in a wheelchair?
I was annoyed because the channel we were watching cut away before we could see how they were getting him down the stairs. I really wanted to see that...B-DUMP! B-DUMP! B-DUMP! B-DUMP! B-DUMP!
Cheney: Curse you! I shall have the Air Force rain destruction upon your homes!
Secret Service Guy: Not anymore, old man. Your power is diminished.
Cheney: Diminished?! Never! Let me now show you the power of my fully armed and operational battle station!
Secret Service Guy: That's the TV remote from the press room. Which I'll be taking back now, thank you very much. Yoink!
Cheney: Can you at least get me a pudding pack?
Secret Service Guy: Sure. Wait. No.
Cheney: (mumbling) ...curse you...
Did anyone ever find out why Cheney was in a wheelchair?
Allegedly, he was "lifting boxes" while getting ready for the move. I suspect it was due to the Secret Service no longer giving him fresh babies' blood.
The story is that he sprained his back while packing and moving the night before...
The story is that he sprained his back while packing and moving the night before...
Yeah, because he can't afford movers.
I tell you, it's because his human shell started to break down a day early.
The story is that he sprained his back while packing and moving the night before...
Bush: Dick, what're ya doin'?
Cheney: Moving!
Bush: Dick, we have guys for that.
Cheney: They cannot be allowed to move my equipment!
Bush: Equipment for what?
Cheney: My Lazarus Pit!
Bush: What's that?
Cheney: Just grab the other end, okay?
Bush: Okay...wait, let me get a grip...
Cheney: Oh, shit, my back!
Bush: You should've gotten more exercise, like me. I cleared brush!
Cheney: I was kinda busy UNDERMINING DEMOCRACY FOR PROFIT, you buffoon!
Bush: I am not a monkey!
(Sorry. I guess I'm kinda giddy.)
Yeah, because he can't afford movers.
I assume the boxes in question were filled with documents third parties are not allowed to touch.
Or, as you surmised yesterday, it's all a cover story for his human shell starting to disintegrate.
My in-laws are not happy that Cheney is staying in VA, btw. They were hoping to get the entire administration out of their backyard.
How tired am I? I, for no reason I can fathom, have "I wish I was 18 again" by George Burns playing in my head, and I am powerless to stop it. I am that tired.
Cheney: My Lazarus Pit!
God, that explains SO MUCH about the last 8 years.
Ah the first mocking of the ceremony from my egghead co-workers.