Club shows around here start at 11, with the headliner coming on at around midnight. That`s my dealbreaker. Also, I no longer live stumbling distance from the main live club and getting a cab after midnight is a bitch.
I saw Bloc Party last fall, and seriously, I got most excited when they when on stage at 11. I turned to my friend and said in my happiest voice, "We`re going to get out of here by 12:30!!!!"
I'm seeing Bloc Party in two weeks! Did you enjoy their show?
I did! Even though we were way in the back attempting (unsuccessfully) to avoid the drunken masses. When I saw them they played a good mixture of old and new songs. I'd say I knew about half the songs, and I haven't heard their last two albums.
Music Right Now:
I'm really surprised by how fond I am of Seether's cover of "Careless Whisper." Good Lord.
Is that a band named after a song by a band named after a Willy Wonka character?
No, seriously. I heard it about 3 times before I realized that I actually like it.
Punk rock is an awesome thing. So are sheds. And so, from a blog devoted to sheds....
Like Punk rock, like sheds, then this is for you.
Cardiff based punk band Punks Not Dad have written a little ditty about their shed and what they get up to in it, the majority of the lyrics would ring true to many a sheddie and the tune will be a hit with sheddies of a certain age, I am more of a prod rock fan myself, but any songs that’s about sheds I will listen to.
So get your ripped readesheds TShirt on and start pogoing.
There’s a place where I wanna go
be on my own when I’m feeling low
Only place that I wanna be – ONLY PLACE WHERE A DAD CAN BE FREE!
If you want me - you know where to find me If you need me - you’ll know where to look – I’ll be…
In me shed - reading the paper
In me shed - stirring up some paint
In me shed - sorting out me jam jars
In me shed in me shed
In me shed - fixing a puncture
In me shed - oiling the lawnmower
In me shed - having a quiet fag
In me shed in me shed in me shed
Oh Miss Erin? Are you feeling better enough to schlep to Lawrence Kansas on a Sunday night?
tUB rING will be playing. And I love them. I love them. I love them so.
The first time I saw them they were opening for LeATHERMØUTH and Mindless Self Indulgence. They had toured with Mindless before, but not much of the crowd really knew them. They started playing and within a minute the place went INSANE.
The second time I saw them was the next day. I bummed a ride with a friend to the next show, missed the headliner so I could catch the last train home, and went to work on Monday on three hours sleep. TOTALLY WORTH IT.
I was about to send this to my mom, thinking someone had posted it here when I realized she had sent it to me. Score one for Mom! Piano greats.