I don't know if any fears stood out for me in Yellow Fever--the time they spent dwelling on ironic fear clouded the palate.
I don't think of Mystery Spot as the start--he has no idea what killed him then, and probably is fine with showering and shaving--I think of No Rest For The Wicked. He's flinched at almost every variety of dog since then, and when he tried to tough it out with the familiar, she called him on it.
You know, I took it like the drinking and sleeping clothed as one of those S4 onwards things they didn't mention for forever (and I loved them the more for it). So I felt validated in Man's Best Doggy Style when it was voiced (have they ever mentioned the sleepwear?) after not having been apparent in S3.
I do want to look at My Heart Will Go On and see if he's more bothered than Sam.
I forgot about the other instances. I don't know, it might just be a "Dean is not afraid of dogs. Full stop." thing in my head, you know?
Well, if my TiVo hadn't barfed, I could have called up Titanic just like that, but now I'd have to walk, and clearly it's time to rip my DVDs to my network...
I'm reading a long fic with fucked up Dean and bad guy John, and I don't hate the author. Partially because she's using her author's notes to explain, but even so, he's not the moustache twirling bad guy of The Bachelor who's faking a severe heart attack and freaking everyone out including Mary to convince Dean to marry a woman. He did get as illegal as grifting after Mary's death, but it wasn't fifteen years of booze-filled pussy-hounding (how do people even *get* there????). Dean's got neuroses up the wazoo, and John is helping him self-sabotage the relationship without even being in the room, but the author said she sees him as a tragic hero, and apparently that's all I need to forgive and accept a plot necessity.
(She is overdoing Dean's damage and angst, but it's so seductive...)
Teaser bad video of same.
Will try to find it better.
At the top of this Tumblr are a few .gifs from the Season 8 gag reel. Whee!
I adore the Supernatural gag reels! I found the first 7 seasons on You Tube and watched them for over an hour.
Burn Notice was *so* "look at all the things you can do with a Hyundai!" that I couldn't help but envision anyone, even Chevrolet, approaching SPN saying "Your fans are pretty enthusiastic about cars--can we have an in-show endorsement deal?"
Can you imagine the horror?
Nice loving shots of bright and shiny *new* cars with GPS and OnSat or whatever and all those not-subtle changes to the script...LOVE.
Have not watched BN lately. Is the main character now pretty unambigously the bad guy? If so, do the writers know it?
That's the conflict right now. The fact that I've thought so for a while means it's not actually a conflict for me. But the characters sure seem surprised.
Was it Alias jump in the Ford F150 and go after that Ford Mustang levels of obvious?
I want to see Toyota do product placement. For the Prius. "Did you know you could fit two dead bodies in the back of a Prius V and still have room for the weapons cache? Awesome!"