Amy, are you implying that Bobby wouldn't give them his blessing, and that John's not an evil cockblock for disapproving? Why, I never...
I'm reading a weird complaint about this week's episode. If your problem includes:
I'm tired of the heaven and hell, demons and angels, witches and vampires-stuff
Why are you watching Supernatural? Perhaps you meant to be watching Grey's Anatomy? Scandal? Something the show hasn't been for going on eight seasons?
He also thinks that every episode should play into the season arc,
like season 5.
I'm waiting for him to explain Jesse and Paris Hilton.
I'm never going to try and talk someone into liking the show--there's no reason everyone should. But if you're going to explain your position, make sense and don't rewrite history, that would be a good place to start.
I meant to tell you folks! Yesterday I saw a handful of teens to early 20s women cosplaying Castiel, but my favorite were the pair of mid-teen girls who were cosplaying Castiel and Dean. They were just precious.
"What is all this supernatural shit doing on a show called 'Supernatural?'"
I can see someone being a bit fed up with the show revolving around theJudeo-Christian Apocalypse and its fallout for three seasons, but it does sound like the quoted person is less tired of a particular type of supernatural antagonist and more not getting that the basic premise of the show isn't her cup of tea. If you eliminate angels, demons, witches, and earthly monsters, what's left? Dean & Sam vs. the Mexican Pet?
Yeah, that's definitely a discussion I don't actually want to have--if a person doesn't like the show it's not my job to talk them back into it, or help them have the epiphany that they just ruled out most of the past 7.5 seasons with their rule. They can walk their path on their own.
In further news of delusional fans, I saw an entry on my dash I couldn't even understand until I clicked through to the underlying yourtube video: [link] Are people really looking that hard for other things that they managed to get Castiel into that scene where he's really kinda not? And their magical black feather that they're clinging to--there's a black something on the bed between them before they start talking, not just after the insert of Castiel's voice (fake insert, let's be clear--I don't believe it for a second).
And, if Jim Michaels did deny that it was Castiel's voice--why are people hanging onto the "fact" that there's a feather in the scene? Or are there supposed to be random black feathers in the episodes now? I think I heard that
the feather would be explained
but that doesn't make that not reaching.
I thought the thing on the bed was part of the pattern in the fabric.
Cas's voice is so ridiculously inserted there.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured was all over the bed. If I ever find myself grasping so hard to anything in any show ever that I'm denying reality--please slap me in any way possible, will you? I mean, John's fatherhood can be subjective--Dean's drinking maybe. But that's just making shit up for the sake of getting excited.
The amount of credit they're willing to give the writers is adorable, though. I'm not sure if this is a sign of how amazing Carver is, or I just wasn't looking in the right places last season.
I don' t understand this at all. Why are SPN fans so very Crxy?
Why are SPN fans so very Crxy?
I think you can leave out "SPN" in that sentence.
I hate the way the fans are trying to make Cas/Dean canon. But I always hate fans who are pushing for any particular storyline. You can do what you want with it after it's aired, but you don't actually get to collaborate.
Any storyteller (or group thereof) has the right to tell the story they want to. You don't like it, don't watch it, or read it, or whatever. The sense of entitlement is really appalling.