Supernatural 2: Why is it our job to save everybody?
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US on TV (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though — if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
I have done nothing of note with the last ten or so years of my life, so there's nothing to clock that by. Ho hum.
I didn't even know you could favourite tweets--I'm so unlooped. My fangirl activities seem to be exclusively arrayed around defending John. John who I think is an alcoholic who used beatings to discipline his kids, but hey! I don't think either or both of those mean you have to be a bad person, father, and especially character. And I don't think the canon or the boys think so either. Amy, you take the front line, and I'll fan here in the back.
Oh--sis has finished S1. Says she's not emotionally invested, and she insists the show believes in Catholicism if holy water works. I find myself arguing that the demons give it power, but that's with the retconned-away knowledge that god and angels weren't a factor at this time, so it's totally irrelevant, and really only headcanon anyway.
This is her take:
Very clear arc for both characters. Not necessarily a huge arc, but a clear one. Dean lets down his guard with his emotions, stands up to Daddy, reinforces his protective instinct, but maybe allows it to be chipped lickle bit and also becomes a little scared by it, (this part is not an arc, just a description: will lie to his nearests and dearests if he feels it will save their lives [viz Colt]).
Sam nears the end of his grieving process, accepts his destiny (well, not completely) as hunter, resolves major issues with Daddy. Not too sure how to describe the evolution of his relationship with Dean, I now realise. Hmm. The relationship is more equal and more honest than it was at the beginning, but I don't know how Sam perceived it at the beginning, so I can't speak to the evolution from his point of view. Yup, have no baseline.
I don't know if this is me with a faulty memory or Jensen's superior acting, but my blanks are coming when I try to get into Sam's head.
At the end of the day, family is the most important thing here. You don't shoot your father cos you love your family, and then that leads to the family members all together chasing the demon ad infinitum. So the family is restored and endures. This hunt for the demon is riven with ambivalence. As Dean has said before, what happens after we kill it? I'm not sure at this point that Sam could go to law school. But what could they do? How do you build a life without a demon in the middle of it? They don't know what that looks like. Sam was the closest to doing this, but could he now? The demon is what is keeping the family together. They need it.
I'm still not emotionally involved, but interested to see what happens next for sure.
I still feel like I need to know more about the demon's capabilities - what it can and cannot do. Cos as you've noticed, I question how it can do some things and not others.
S02 locked and loaded.
I have given her what I think is demons 101 (with allowing for more eyes coming up) and a spoiler-free assessment of Sam's head at this time.
Wow, she's got a lot coming.
Although if she's not emotionally invested after In My Time of Dying ...
The show is only a few months older than my child.
Unpossible. Then again, last time I saw Tickybox was last week, not 5 (or was it 6) years ago.
I am sitting on my hands so much--especially when John whispers to Dean and Dean looks so quizzical and sad poor little babies....
She's adecently easy to tears when it comes to some triggers, and I'm curious to see if Show ever hits any of them. I think the car crash didn't get me the first time round, but it does ever second rewatch. I clearly always liked Dean, but when I understood I loved Dean was when he worked out John was possessed. That was such heartbreak.
I'm flipping through deviantArt, trying to pay more attention to other people's fanart, in order to help me and mine, and now I have all episodes of all seasons clamouring for time in my head at once--I can't wait for her to reach Croatoan, Mystery Spot...oh, there's so much there there, and we're not even at Cas yet.
Though, Jesus, if I never saw anyone else's SPN cosplay, it would be too soon. I don't know when the last time I saw anything good enough to make up for the really crap blended stubble and awkwardly spiked hair and creepy kissing (couples who cosplay ships make me feel intrusive not fannish) all over the place.
Speaking of other fans, unsurprisingly Destiel fans are in good cheer, for many reasons. I love the deep meaning excised from every single thing. There's a chair on the other side of the room from where Dean is sitting when he prays, and clearly it's Castiel's chair, so he can sit and watch Dean when he sleeps. There was also something about a desk with a typewriter that was also Castiel's but I don't remember that rationale. Clearly it was incontrovertible, though.
I clearly always liked Dean, but when I understood I loved Dean was when he worked out John was possessed. That was such heartbreak.
That was such a moment. The way JA's expression changed as he realized ... gave me shivers.
Speaking of other fans, unsurprisingly Destiel fans are in good cheer, for many reasons.
I rambled about that scene at length to S., who very patiently listened. What I loved about it was the feeling that their bond really is transcendent -- it doesn't have to be sexual, it doesn't have to be buddies hanging out drinking beer, it doesn't even have to be brothers (or brothers in arms). It's totally its own thing, and it's the deepest kind of love Dean has felt for anyone outside of his family.
I think the fact that it's not sexual is what got sister to watch, actually. I was explaining the conflicting "why are they putting so much into it if it's not going to feature genitals???" and "it doesn't need to move past this point to be perfect!!!" and I think she needed to see what that meant for herself.
It's incredibly satisfying to cheer on exactly what's onscreen. Completely separate is the what-if-they-were-naked part of it. I adore the canon interaction so deeply, and I really do wonder at how much they put in, because it is really complicated and multilayered and both Jensen and Misha have a lot in there that's likely not in the script (but may come from directors--no way to be sure). There are a lot of tics that are easy to build a case out of, but since I don't believe in current or future canon Destiel, I just wonder at the choices.
Speaking of choices, something came across my dash that said that "Pudding!" was originally Sam's line? Uh, what? Thanks for moving that, whoever was responsible. I think it's borderline Dean, and Sam is not the one with the Mottsy stuff, not even in a pinch (well, while sober). I'm so glad that panned out the way it did.
And...she's invested! You were right, Amy. She wasn't making it out of IMTOD with her walls intact.
We're sending tomes back and forth, and I can honestly say I'm surprised that I've never made Asimov's laws of robotics into the laws of Dean. I mean, he's really simple, no?
- Dean may not injure Sam or through inaction allow Sam to come to harm.
- Dean must obey orders given to him by John, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- Dean must save people and hunt things as long as the family business does not conflict with the First or Second laws
That and pie.
Dean may not injure Sam or through inaction allow Sam to come to harm.
Dean must obey orders given to him by John, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Dean must save people and hunt things as long as the family business does not conflict with the First or Second laws
That and pie.
This needs to be on a poster somewhere.
Also, yay sister of ita! I knew you could do it.
I love this episode to itty bits, starting from the actual eagle snacking on liver.
ita's Laws of Dean = genius.