Good point, Morgana. I wonder if that is something that will be addressed other than the throwaway bit about all of his scars, etc. were gone when he came back. Also, does the brand* that Castiel left behind have any significance? Maybe it will tie in to what Dean wondered himself: how is someone like him expected to be able to stop things?
* Does anyone recall if it was there in any later shirtless scenes? Did we even have any shirtless scenes other than what we got in Heaven and Hell?
The more distinctive body modification a character undergoes, the less we see said modification. (I call it the Prison Break Corollary.)
Once they determine that an angel brought him back, though, why would they wonder if he came back wrong? Especially when, up until the last few episodes, they were pretty convinced the angels were on the side of good and/or right?
Yeah, I think the post-resurrection amnesia and the fact that Dean didn't go completely insane when his memories did return indicate Castiel put a lot of effort into making sure he came back right.
General rule for Supernatural - there are never enough shirtless scenes.
...nods some more.
I have to say, much as I liked Sammy, I never had a particular sense of GUH about JP, whom I had been considering a nice enough looking bloke in his own way, until there was shirtlessness. At which point I was all WHY THE HELL DO THEY EVER MAKE THAT BOY WEAR CLOTHES? WHY? WTF?
Picture of Misha from the con
Yep, that's it. He's not real. He's sprung fully formed from the fangirl collective.
Or maybe he's Sera Gamble's golem?