...nods some more.
I have to say, much as I liked Sammy, I never had a particular sense of GUH about JP, whom I had been considering a nice enough looking bloke in his own way, until there was shirtlessness. At which point I was all WHY THE HELL DO THEY EVER MAKE THAT BOY WEAR CLOTHES? WHY? WTF?
Picture of Misha from the con
Yep, that's it. He's not real. He's sprung fully formed from the fangirl collective.
Or maybe he's Sera Gamble's golem?
I had a thought about a loose end from this season--the weapon Uriel used to murder those who wouldn't join the pro-Lucifer faction. Was it still in Anna's possession? If so, does Zacharaiah have it now? Given that it can kill angels (or even former angels), I can't help but think that the Holy Shiv may play the same role in S5 that the Colt and Ruby's knife did in previous seasons.
Random thought from the finale: when Ruby told Sam he didn't need the feather to fly, Dumbo, did she mean that all that blood drinking was pure placebo effect and the power he was using was truly his own?
Random thought from the finale: when Ruby told Sam he didn't need the feather to fly, Dumbo, did she mean that all that blood drinking was pure placebo effect and the power he was using was truly his own?
That's the way I took it, -t.
-t and Amy, that's how I understood it.
And Misha IS a cutiehead. I saw an old CSI:NY last weekend and heard this husky voice and thought it sounded familiar and, yes, it was him. He's cuter when he's a little scruffy.
I was unclear if it meant the blood was meaningless placebo, or if the she was talking about the path he chose that put him in the position, or a little of both.