I've never really liked this actress as Ruby, anyway. If we could get rid of her, I'd be good.
Maybe that explains why Ruby's blood seemed to be so super-charged (enough so that Sam was able to stop Alistair, even though Castiel couldn't).
I suspect the power was actually being channeled from Lilith all along.
So. When's the S5 premier?
That was, like, almost better than awesome sex.
I need to rewatch immediately.
You know, I like this. Dean has a boatload of guilt about starting it all. Now Sammy's paddling right along with him. Very poetic, with the balance and all.
Yes. And now they have to work together again to stop Lucifer. I just hope Sam finally gets the real voicemail message. He needs to hear it and Dean needs to be heard.
I'm just wondering, is God DEAD? I mean, "left the building".
I am so relieved they are together. And Sam's "I'm sorry" was so "I lost my shoe"-like and shocked and vulnerable, I almost melted.
They did play one thing well, I thought. Ruby definitely was hot for Sam. She was sincere in "helping" him, making him stronger. She was just leading him 180 degrees from where he wanted to go.
Sail, Collins is a regular next season, so Misha will be back, presumably as Castiel. Who will "hold them all off!" Plucky angel dude when he gets his righteous up!
I was so incredibly touched and happy that Dean and Sam were actually touching there at the last minute. I do think one of them will wind up ridden by Lucifer early in S5, though. I can't see Lightbringer reanimating Ruby's twice-used corpse when he has two strong, strapping men to choose from.
Also, "It wasn't the blood, Sam." So whether or not the blood of the host is amped octane after possession, it was Sam's head that made him believe Ruby, follow her and do as she guided.
so Misha will be back, presumably as Castiel
Whoohoo! It would be a shame to split up televisions hottest threesome.
So whether or not the blood of the host is amped octane after possession, it was Sam's head that made him believe Ruby, follow her and do as she guided.
Yes, but as far as intentions are concerned, Sam did all of that because he intended to be a warrior for the side of Good (which I think ought to be renamed, something like the side of Dubious Intent). I wish so very very very much that we'll get a conversation somewhere where the two guys realize that they were both trying to do the right thing, but in drastically different ways. Of course that would require communication and those two suck at meaningful dialogue (to one another, not in general).
I wasn't criticising Sam's intentions, only mentioning a facet of his personality. I do believe Sam had the best of intentions.
I just hope that somewhere in all this, Dean is able to take a look at his brother and see a whole person, someone who is strong and capable and, while he may need backup now and then, doesn't need to be nursemaided. That relationship really needs to change. Dean needs to let go of the caretaker role quite a bit. And Sam needs to let go of being taken care of with one hand, while he's reaching for autonomy with the other.
They're both adults, with different skills and different approaches, and they need to acknowledge that and amend the partnership to reflect it.