so Misha will be back, presumably as Castiel
Whoohoo! It would be a shame to split up televisions hottest threesome.
'The Message'
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US on TV (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though — if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
so Misha will be back, presumably as Castiel
Whoohoo! It would be a shame to split up televisions hottest threesome.
So whether or not the blood of the host is amped octane after possession, it was Sam's head that made him believe Ruby, follow her and do as she guided.
Yes, but as far as intentions are concerned, Sam did all of that because he intended to be a warrior for the side of Good (which I think ought to be renamed, something like the side of Dubious Intent). I wish so very very very much that we'll get a conversation somewhere where the two guys realize that they were both trying to do the right thing, but in drastically different ways. Of course that would require communication and those two suck at meaningful dialogue (to one another, not in general).
I wasn't criticising Sam's intentions, only mentioning a facet of his personality. I do believe Sam had the best of intentions.
I just hope that somewhere in all this, Dean is able to take a look at his brother and see a whole person, someone who is strong and capable and, while he may need backup now and then, doesn't need to be nursemaided. That relationship really needs to change. Dean needs to let go of the caretaker role quite a bit. And Sam needs to let go of being taken care of with one hand, while he's reaching for autonomy with the other.
They're both adults, with different skills and different approaches, and they need to acknowledge that and amend the partnership to reflect it.
Beverly, I agree. I went back in my lj, and on 5/20/07 I posted this:
I was thinking about all the wish lists I’ve been reading for the next season of Supernatural (less man pain, more ass-kicking, less overt emoting, and so on) and it got me to thinking about one of the developments I’d like to see: I’d really love to see Dean and the writers treat Sam as an Adult, an equal partner, rather than as Sammy the Little Brother, the sidekick, the wingman. I’d like a moment of acknowledgment where Dean looks at Sam and actually sees another man standing beside him, rather than the shadowy vestiges of a little kid who needs his nose wiped (come on, he’s 23 and 6 foot 5, for God’s sake!). Sam left the Winchester nest at 18, and I seriously doubt anyone could live there for 18 years and stay innocent, as much as Dean might have tried to protect him. Especially since they started hunting things and saving people about the time they were able to hold onto weapons. I’m just tired of Sam being treated as lesser, or mildly incompetent. I think the show could incorporate even more ass-kicking with two of them going at it full-throttle, rather than with Dean shoving Sam into a corner on a regular basis.
I suppose Sam playing slap-and-tickle with the Dark Side could be seen as attempt to mature his character a bit and let him gain his independence, but I really need them to be working together again.
Bobby LIVES!!
Well, for the record, Dean swore to obey God AND His angels. If God has "left the building", Dean's obeisance is null and void.
Furthermore, it looks as if next year's direction will be Sam, Dean and Cas fighting angels and demons.
Holy crap. Just... wow.
Yes, that is one hell of a cliffhanger (so to speak), but at least we have something like the beginning of reconciliation between the boys. I have to believe that Sam knows now that message was a fake. His "sorry" just gutted me,
LOVED the shout-out to Cindy.
Also, I'm pleasantly surprised that Bobby is alive.
Now, we just have to wonder how/if the boys will escape Lucifer and how Castiel (and hopefully Chuck) will get away from the archangel. Again, I can live with that kind of cliffhanger a lot more easily that I could have dealt with something like the end of last episode.
Also, I imagine some of the other rank and file angels are going to be plenty pissed if they hear how Zacharaiah and the others played them in the fight to "save" the seals.
Kripke is a flippin' GENIUS!
That was a shoutout? To our TopicCindy? Kewl.
Bobby LIVES!!
Hellyes! And kicks Winchester butt, too!
in the fight to "save" the seals.
Okay, I had to back up and realize you didn't mean aquatic mammals. I think the giddy relief has gone to my head, a bit.
Watching Dean and Sam team up to kill Ruby was incredibly satisfying. I think I'll join Ailleann in a cigarette.