blessed blessed internet access.
I am in such a state over the mess on every surface of my apartment that I think I will just walk through room with bags and make a trip to the thrift store for a drop off this week I swear I do not understand how I accumulate this much just stuff.
Due entirely to the generosity of Buffistas, I've at least doubled the pics at Silver Foxes.
BTW, Linus Roache is looking a bit silvery now - at least on L&O, but I could not find a decent picture showing that.
And ion, the Bidens are going to adopt a second pup - this one from the pound. (Apparently, there was an uproar that he was going to a breeder instead of adopting from rescue.)
You put up the Kenny Rogers! And the Kris Kristofferson!
She can somersault, jump on the trampoline and hang from a bar and put up her feet.
Wow! Also, poor bunny.
I went into Manhattan, which was total amateur hour. No one knew where they were going, except the 100000000 people with their 4000000000 kids going to something at Madison Square Garden. I did see Cadillac Records, which was just OK.
I had a massage and had Thai food with my gluten- and dairy-intolerant mother (oh, holiday cooking is going to be so fun), and now I should get dressed for a party.
But I'm all comfy on my couch with my fleece blankie around me!
Still, party! Must get up.
I am dying for a massage, but have been waiting for my post-Christmas vacation, in hopes of maintaining the relaxation.
I booked them because my sister's had a hell of a month, so I figured I'd give her one and get one myself. And then my mother came and we gave her a facial and a mani-pedi, so it was a whole girls-day-out thing.
Okay, now to get up and go party.
I hope all you easterners are staying dry and warm, and not getting snowed in too bad!
Casper spontaneously asked for a Snuggie today. (Warning, annoying infomercial narration voice) [link]