She can somersault, jump on the trampoline and hang from a bar and put up her feet.
Wow! Also, poor bunny.
I went into Manhattan, which was total amateur hour. No one knew where they were going, except the 100000000 people with their 4000000000 kids going to something at Madison Square Garden. I did see Cadillac Records, which was just OK.
I had a massage and had Thai food with my gluten- and dairy-intolerant mother (oh, holiday cooking is going to be so fun), and now I should get dressed for a party.
But I'm all comfy on my couch with my fleece blankie around me!
Still, party! Must get up.
I am dying for a massage, but have been waiting for my post-Christmas vacation, in hopes of maintaining the relaxation.
I booked them because my sister's had a hell of a month, so I figured I'd give her one and get one myself. And then my mother came and we gave her a facial and a mani-pedi, so it was a whole girls-day-out thing.
Okay, now to get up and go party.
I hope all you easterners are staying dry and warm, and not getting snowed in too bad!
Casper spontaneously asked for a Snuggie today. (Warning, annoying infomercial narration voice) [link]
It was very nice.
And I have still not moved from the couch to get ready for this party.
My Christmas shopping is now done. Or at least it damn well better be, because I'm now wearing a hoodie and inside pants and I have booze, and I'm not going ANYWHERE ELSE TODAY.
Oh, here's the foundation closing I heard about last night: [link]
Thanks, megan! Would that work for a military surrender? (Directed at the captain of a ship.)
Sorry, I was napping. I think I'm coming down with something.
"Livez-vous" might be more used by police. I did some poking around on the interwebs with some different options and think you may want "Capitulez!" although I'm not sure that would be used alone in command form or with a person. It is certainly used in a military context with places.
I did find "Ne capitulez jamais!" (Never surrender!) as well as this Napoleon(!) quotation:
"Si vous ne capitulez pas sur le champ, je prendrai la ville d’assaut, je serai forcé de faire ce que je fis à Jaffa, où la garnison fut passée au fil de l’épée. Prince, épargnez à la brave nation autrichienne et à moi la nécessité d’un acte aussi effrayant : la place n’est pas tenable."