Just finished wrapping gifts for my family. I got my niece a stuffed pig that's likely almost as big as she is, and completely round and so very soft, plus Madeline and a Madeline doll (which she's too little for, still), a half dozen Boynton board books and a Pookie doll. My nephew got nine books including the new pigeon book and a stuffed pigeon that yells "LET ME DRIVE THE BUS."
One of the books is a pop-up book about poop. There is pop-up poop. It should go smashingly well. I got my parents 5 tickets to an amusement park so they can take the whole family this summer, which they love to do.
Drop off at Fed Ex, and hope 2nd day shipping gets it all there by Tuesday.
Those sound like adorable presents, KR!
Mark Felt died.
There has got to be a classy way to say he was Deep Throat but it's nearly midnight and everything sounds skeevy.
That's not classy, it's just French. An easy mistake to make though.
I mean, he wasn't an entirely unskeeztastic guy, but he nudged a lot of light into one skeevy corner and I admire that.
What's French for unskeevtastic?
DH brought me my Hannukah present early - he got me a Soda Club!!! So tonight we had homemade seltzer with our salmon. It was nummy.
Right on! I still love mine unreasonably. And the loud noise it makes when it's carbonating never fails to make the dogs bark. I don't know what they think it is, but they're determined to scare it away.
HMOG - we've got a snow day, and it hasn't even started snowing! I wish I'd known this BEFORE I came into the office. Oh well, get some Xmas shopping done and head back before the white stuff starts flying.
I just got a message saying my co-worker's kids' school district is closed for snow. He hasn't sat at this desk since I was on maternity leave. Oy.
I want a snow day!!! I am so tired, I can hardly stand it.
But it is my last day before a week off, so I should count my blessings (and the minutes).
My across-the-street neighbor who will shovel, then plow, then shovel again, is plowing after last night's big snow/ice/snow storm. At 7:30 a.m. Slowing down at times to holler at someone, I know not whom.
All this when I know he's either retired or works from home and could do this crap at 9 or 10.
Toolish, yes?
Yeah, the Boston area is shut down, and now the weather report says not much will be happening until mid-afternoon. I guess the Commute From Hell last year put the Fear of Snow back into the authorities.
Me, I have a Networking Group to go attend. Since I got the best lead of my life from one a year+ ago (that I could get Unemployment extended while I was in school!) I can hope that lightning will strike twice....