Is it way too early to decorate for holidays? I want to put the lights up!
First weekend of December.
I also recommend ditching the tree in the interregnum between New Year's Day and whenever you have to go back to work. Otherwise you wind up in a horrible, holiday hangover space.
Also, I personally like to plan something low key but fun for mid-January to help get me out of that month with my sanity intact. Anything that involves positive reward and most of a weekend outside in the sunlight will work.
I'd put it in the tin I keep safety pins in(?!)
I don't understand my logic sometimes.
Is it way too early to decorate for holidays?
It seems like most people around here put up their decorations right after Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving is late in the month this year. Go for it.
I'm trying to decide if it's worth the trouble. I find not decorating depressing, but the idea of the time and effort is depressing too.
There are Christmas lights up in my town in a few places. It's disconcerting, but also help mitigate the shocked double-take when I go into stores and see Christmas stuff. I keep forgetting it's that time of year.
I don't decorate. So I say borrow my weeks of decorating and go for it it you wanna.
most of a weekend outside in the sunlight will work
I'm lucky if that's an option by April.
In the 10 minutes I was gone to get laundry, Loki managed to get himself trapped INSIDE the duvet. He wasn't even playing on the bed when I went down. Came back to a squeaking comforter. Oy.
Why do I not have a mdsized suitcase? It's either gargantua or carryon-size, and I don't think I can fit everything into that one.
Happiness is finding a coat on sale and kind of loving it but rejecting it because it has no pockets. And then going back tot he store to reconsider only to discover it does have pockets, they were just sewn shut on the one you tried on.
Nice, Sue. My brother and I got into it over whether his handkerchief pocket was real and sewn shut or just fake. He, of course, was delusional.
I've checked in for my flights. Now for a last minute trip to Target and the grocery store.