Continuing my week's theme, I watched a docu-drama about Jonestown on the History Channel yesterday, featuring commentary by Stephan Jones, Jim Jones' son -- he escaped the slaughter by being away with the teen boy's basketball team. They got radioed orders to kill themselves, but away from so much community influence (not to mention the armed guards), rejected the idea.
He's had a lot of time to think over what happened and why, and he's actually articulate, so it added a lot to understanding the why and how.
Like "Slayer of Coast Mayor is Free After Six Years" or "US Will Not Prosecute in 1978 Killings On Coast." I wonder when that usage stopped.
I hadn't thought about it, but isn't the old joke, "I just flew in from the coast, and boy are my arms tired"?
Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne used to write a column for Esquire called The Coast, about California. And I'm pretty sure that Didion has a line in one of her essays about how California is called the Coast.
yikes sara. be safe.
mac is off with his uncle and I am packing up things to mail out. Baby shower at 1, so I have about half an hour to finish and get ready.
Hey, msbelle, did it turn out to be nothing, or do we not know that yet?
OK, I can't find my ipod. Lord only knows where I put it.
This is crazymaking. I brought it back from the trip,'s nowhere. Ahrg. I don't think there is any possibility it was stolen, I just expect I put it somwhere really random.
Is it way too early to decorate for holidays? I want to put the lights up!
Soon- after Thanksgiving!
If you want to put them up, go for it.
I have a tendency to leave holiday decorations up for a very long time. When it's all cold and dreary outside the last thing I want to do is take away the cheery lights.
I haven't had a tree in a couple of years because of the cats. I should put up some lights without the tree.