Like "Slayer of Coast Mayor is Free After Six Years" or "US Will Not Prosecute in 1978 Killings On Coast." I wonder when that usage stopped.
I hadn't thought about it, but isn't the old joke, "I just flew in from the coast, and boy are my arms tired"?
Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne used to write a column for Esquire called The Coast, about California. And I'm pretty sure that Didion has a line in one of her essays about how California is called the Coast.
yikes sara. be safe.
mac is off with his uncle and I am packing up things to mail out. Baby shower at 1, so I have about half an hour to finish and get ready.
Hey, msbelle, did it turn out to be nothing, or do we not know that yet?
OK, I can't find my ipod. Lord only knows where I put it.
This is crazymaking. I brought it back from the trip,'s nowhere. Ahrg. I don't think there is any possibility it was stolen, I just expect I put it somwhere really random.
Is it way too early to decorate for holidays? I want to put the lights up!
Soon- after Thanksgiving!
If you want to put them up, go for it.
I have a tendency to leave holiday decorations up for a very long time. When it's all cold and dreary outside the last thing I want to do is take away the cheery lights.
I haven't had a tree in a couple of years because of the cats. I should put up some lights without the tree.
Is it way too early to decorate for holidays? I want to put the lights up!
First weekend of December.
I also recommend ditching the tree in the interregnum between New Year's Day and whenever you have to go back to work. Otherwise you wind up in a horrible, holiday hangover space.
Also, I personally like to plan something low key but fun for mid-January to help get me out of that month with my sanity intact. Anything that involves positive reward and most of a weekend outside in the sunlight will work.