I'll be flying into Orlando, and whisked up to Leesburg to visit with my sister, who has my mom coming in from CA, our Uncle & his girlfriend making a stop on their retirement tour, parking their little camper out front, and of we are lucky, my brother will show up from VA.
Neither Orlando nor Leesburg is that far from where I live. Hmmmmmm
Your gathering sounds a little like my family gathering in Satellite Beach for Thanksgiving. We come from as far north as VA (the NY family doesn't usually make it).
Happy Birthday, Hil!
Happy Belated Birthday, Jess!
Happy Birthday to Hil!
I'm going back to bed. Late start day for school, but got a call at 6:35 am from a customer. She apologized, but knew I was always up at that hour doing the school thing. I didn't tell her about the late start day. I fixed her problem. Now need either more rest or to make coffee.
Dear Vendor.
While it is wonderful that you wrote a second follow-up letter to our phone conference yesterday, and I appreciate the fact that it is very detailed, and also slightly chummy, I am somewhat unsettled by the fact that it is bookended by multiple references to the term "LOL," with extra and overmuch exclamatory punctuation following. I am going to get more coffee. When I return, I expect these to have dissolved into some sort of saccharine puddle.
No Love, Me
Dear OverlyComplicatedCoWorker,
Thank you for your email of 10pm last night wherein you requested more modifications to the new module to be completed ASAP that will require an overhaul of the script. Also? I've now got chatty emails from 7 departments complaining about the new level of OverlyComplicated complications. I am not participating in this discussion, but have retained the messages. Should you wish to see them.
No Love, Me
Dear Angry Lumberjack CoWorker (remember her from last year?), Yes. I know. You too are important and need care and feeding. Please get in line behind OverlyComplicated.
KthxBye, Me
Anyhow, I popped in to say, have y'all seen the AL senate race results? THREE VOTES between winner/loser. Holy cow! [link]
As of 3 minutes ago, the difference was >800 votes, with Stevens losing.
I assume that's such a small margin that there will be an automatic recount. But DAMN, it would be cool if Stevens officially lost. Then we don't have to deal with him (surely) stepping down and then whatshername can't run for/take over the position.
Dear Sox,
Didn't I tell you to quit?
Cousin B.
PS What's Iris' plan for her birthday?
I assume that's such a small margin that there will be an automatic recount.
The margin for a recount is .5% and it's currently at .29% -- otoh, the remaining precincts are Begich-friendly enough that he could conceivably get past the recount margin before they're done.
omg she's doing it again make her stop omg