Morning, all!!!
I GOT THE JOB(S)! It's all officially official!
I start on Monday. And...the reason there was a snafu on the school district hiring thing is ASSHOLERY! The guy interviewing me was mad at my new boss because she didn't want to hire his assistant's son -- she wanted me(mememeME!) who was way more qualified.
So there's some jiggery-pokery going on with one of the contractsm but they wanted ME!
Woo hoo!
Happy birthday JessMoon!!
Happy birthday, Hil (hey, I can ask you MATHY questions now, god help us all!)
I really wouldn't wish Palin on the senate. She's in Miami today. Think I should pop down and see if she'll have a Cuban coffee with me? I'll say I'm a reporter. She seems to want to talk to anybody these days.
Dear beloved customers,
I support your EMR software. I understand that you don't know anyone else that knows anything about computers. Your virus warning at 6:38 this morning, not my problem. Your internet being down at 8:45, not my problem. Yes, you owe me chocolate for calming you down. Also, I may change my cell number.
Woo! Grabs Erin's hands and dances round and round!
Yay Erin!!!
DJ, what wonderful things. Would it be uncouth to print them out and attach with applications?
Oh not at all. They are mos def going in the portfolio. HK already has some people interested. I had to send her a blurb for current job to add to my resume. Our project manager should have retooled mine last night, so I can put it out to some other people.
This lay off has been so untraumatic and smooth I don't even know what to think.
And in other "Can my week get any better!?!" news. One of my best friends is home from Australia for a while!
YAY ERIN!!!!!!!
Dear Cousin,
Yes, you are correct, and as always the smartypants one. I am currently drafting a tersely worded essay on the topic of "Have fun without me SUCKAS".
Laura - passes you coffee and a flaming cow.
good job, Erin! Hooray for employment!
also, Happy Birthday, Hil!