Is it crazy to narrow it down and have a run-off?
With so many choices I, for one, was pretty non-committal with my commitments (if that makes any sense).
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
Is it crazy to narrow it down and have a run-off?
With so many choices I, for one, was pretty non-committal with my commitments (if that makes any sense).
Run off the Borda count winner against the Cordecet Round Robin winner?
Is it crazy to narrow it down and have a run-off?
I think this is a great idea. Maybe have a top three run-off?
I think this is a great idea. Maybe have a top three run-off?
Sounds good. I'll close the poll on Sunday, ask the mathy-type people to help me determine the top 3 (Hil? Please?), and post the run-off next week?
ask the mathy-type people to help me determine the top 3 (Hil? Please?)
No problem.
Awesomeness. Gracias.
Heh. I just played around with the current numbers a bit. I realized that, with the numbers the way they are now, I can make one analysis that puts June 19-21 in first place, and a different analysis that puts it in last place. (The analysis that I think makes the most sense puts it in fifth place. That was a sort of modified Borda count -- give 3 points for each first place vote, 2 points for each second place vote, one point for each "other" vote, and subtract a point for each person who said they couldn't make it.)
That was a sort of modified Borda count -- give 3 points for each first place vote, 2 points for each second place vote, one point for each "other" vote, and subtract a point for each person who said they couldn't make it.)
Oooh, hey. That's what I wanted to do, but I didn't know if it made mathy sense or not, and then my boss continued on her campaign of insanity and I had to go be her Sancho Panza.
I'd like to see the can't comes weighted more heavily. Otherwise that looks great.
Well, the subtracting one point was kind of arbitrary. I tried running the current numbers with subtracting two points for each "can't come," and it barely changed the results -- only thing that changed was that the weekend that had been in fourth place became tied for third. But just one or two more votes could change any of this, so I'm not going to really analyze it until after the poll closes.