And also checking the county lines and the city demarcations, Auburn isn't quite in there either, since it lies at the western edge of Lee county which went red.
However, I wasn't wrong about Tuskeegee being there.
Alabama's quite an interesting state. I'll never forget, driving along !-65 northbound, halfway between Montgomery and Birmingham, there was this GIGANTIC billboard that had a devil, horns and pitchfork, the whole nine yards, dancing amidst flames, with the admonition to "Go to church or the Devil will get you!"
Somewhere there's a picture of me standing beneath that billboard quaking in mock fear.
Strangely fascinated by Alabama
It has good meat'n'threes!
And it is really beautiful, and hauntingly so in some places (I only know Birmingham.)
What the hell is a meat'n'three?
My child is kicking the hell out of the wall through his crib. Seriously?
Also, is there really a Godless American PAC?
Meat and three sides. Classic southern diner staple.
And the hills around Birmingham are pretty amazing, especially in the winter. Very stark, with all the granite exposed.
I had basic training and MP school and Fort McClellan (sp) in Aniston, AL. It was in the foot hills and gorgeous. but Wallace was the governor so leaving the post was not fun for my African-American compatriots.
I can only imagine.
Speaking of Wallace, though, a really touching essay by his daughter, Peggy Wallace Kennedy on CNN today.
especially in the winter. Very stark, with all the granite exposed.
I drove through Birmingham during the month of December on my way from Memphis to Tampa way back when. With all apologies to those who love the area, I thought it was ugly as hell. It could be that the interstate ran past some heavily industrial areas. All I knew was it didn't look like a place I wanted to stop and visit.
The city itself is UGH and industrial (or at least, was many moons ago). I likened it sort of to a Pittsburgh or Cleveland of the south. However, north of the city is very nice.
Well, winter usually doesn't present most places at their best. And I didn't have time to explore the area; it was fast track to get to and back while on leave. I mean, I like Detroit because I have tons of relatives there, but if I was just driving by on the interstate? Not necessarily a place I'd want to stop just by its looks.
Y'all don't know about the black belt? Billy, here. EDIT - link fixed, I hope.
My diehard conservative parents live near the SE corner of the state. I love that their Congressman is now Democrat Bobby Bright.
Also, I'm not used to watching Fox News eat one of its own, but this is fascinating: [link]