"You'll live a happy and carefree life
Whatever that means.
My default is generally no unless I really understand all the permutations and possibilities.
Vague language like this: "Exceptions made for transportation, rodeos, fairs, 4-H programs, lawful slaughter, research and veterinary purposes" is nobody's friend. Also, why is
The Chronicle
against it?
I drove through a number of neighborhoods on my way to do chores today and was pleased to note that the Obama/Biden yard signs outnumbered McCain/Palen by at least 9 to 1. In fact, there was at least a mile long stretch of only Obama signs. But, I did see two signs for Nader/Gonzales! Not in yards, though, in the median strip between lanes of a large boulevard. Hey, if you can't commit to putting them in your yard, why bother?
I saw a PEROT sign yesterday!
how is that a filter? to my ears, "filter" suggests that they are editting her or taking things out of context - removing bits and whatnot.
Can someone tell me what Palin means by the media filter?
I think she actually means being out from under McCain's handlers and going all rogue.
Whatever that means.
I've seen you happy. I'm not sure about carefree.
Vague language like this: "Exceptions made for transportation, rodeos, fairs, 4-H programs, lawful slaughter, research and veterinary purposes" is nobody's friend. >
25992. EXCErTIONS.- This chapter shall not apply:
(a) During scientific or agricultural research.
(b) During examination, testing, individual treatment or operation for veterinary
(c) During transportation.
(d) During rodeo exhibitions, stale or county fair exhibitions, 4-H programs, and
similar exhibitions.
(c) During the slaughter of a covered animal in accordance with the provisions of
chapter 6 (commencing with Section 19501) of Division 9 of the Food and
Agricultural Code, relating to humane methods of slaughter, and other
applicable law and regulations.
(I) To a pig during the seven-day period prior to the pig' s expected date of giving
how is that a filter? to my ears, "filter" suggests that they are editting her or taking things out of context - removing bits and whatnot.
I think it's the opposite. Like McCain's hundred years thing - the liberal elite media will insist on reporting what McCain and Palin
rather than what they
Huh. My iPod says it's snowing in Chicago, but not Evanston.
It's overcast but not snowing out here in Riverwoods.
I saw a few flakes right on the line between snow and hail when I was outside an hour ago.