Some very inspiring news: Dog risks life for kittens
A dog has risked its life to protect four kittens trapped in a house fire in Melbourne, Australia.
Firefighters found Leo guarding the kittens which were in a cardboard box in one of the bedrooms.
When the fire broke out inside the house, the family of four plus their other dog managed to escape.
However Leo paid the price for his bravery. He succumbed to the smoke and heat.
Firefighters rushed the dog to safety and revived the unconscious Leo with a heart massage and oxygen.
There's also a video of firefighters giving the dog oxygen and water, and holding the dog while it licks the kittens.
However Leo paid the price for his bravery. He succumbed to the smoke and heat.
Okay--doesn't this sound like he died?
Robert Pattinson sounds very sensible.
Apple Pan was yum, and the company was good. Noah is cuter than in the pics to boot. I overate, though. I feel huge.
Okay--doesn't this sound like he died?
Yeah, I thought that was a confusing word choice.
Oh, and "guarding" a box of kittens during a fire? Possible not the best rescue strategy. But still, he's just a dog....
eta: I imagine the dog's strategy was to guard the kittens by barking at the smoke and fire if it got too close.
Another priceless line. I think I really like this guy.
I've been growing to feel the same way. He seems to 'get' the insipid nature of Edward. He may be a saving grace to 'sparkly vampires'.
IOmemeN: Tomorrow is supposed to be in the lower 70's! Tomorrow will be the first day of the season to wear velvet! I have been clapping my hands in giddy gladness. Most of the outfits for the week are planned. If only they would allow us to wear hats to school! (the students are not allowed so, by default, teachers are not allowed)
Yay gothy weather for GG!
So I'm here working on comments again. I've been making pretty good progress and was feeling pretty cheery about it. I decided what I needed was a good pot of coffee to keep me focused, at which point I smashed the coffee carafe into many pieces. I have ordered a replacement but am very sad about the lack of homemade coffee in the meantime.
I want to drabble Spike and Bella now. Or maybe Edward in Willy's Bar.
I think you need to drabble Spike meeting Edward. "Mate, what's with the fucking sparkly bits? You one of those Snow Baby figurines or what?"
Remember that election thing? Here's something I didn't know:
In the latest New York Times/CBS News and Pew national polls, Obama is now pulling even with McCain among white men, a feat accomplished by no Democratic presidential candidate in three decades, Bill Clinton included. The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey finds age doing more damage to McCain than race to Obama.
In Defense of White Americans
My mom told me today that my dad is voting for Obama. My dad voting for a black man is a seriously big thing. He's a bigot, much to my shame, but he's not overly obnoxious about it and he was very specific in not teaching hatred or racism to his kids. And Dad's a Vietnam vet--I thought that would trump policy issues but Dad is scared of Palin and thinks she's an idiot (not for sexist reasons, though). I think she's what lost his vote for McCain.
Syria? Seriously? Seriously? WTF?