Remember that election thing? Here's something I didn't know:
In the latest New York Times/CBS News and Pew national polls, Obama is now pulling even with McCain among white men, a feat accomplished by no Democratic presidential candidate in three decades, Bill Clinton included. The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey finds age doing more damage to McCain than race to Obama.
In Defense of White Americans
My mom told me today that my dad is voting for Obama. My dad voting for a black man is a seriously big thing. He's a bigot, much to my shame, but he's not overly obnoxious about it and he was very specific in not teaching hatred or racism to his kids. And Dad's a Vietnam vet--I thought that would trump policy issues but Dad is scared of Palin and thinks she's an idiot (not for sexist reasons, though). I think she's what lost his vote for McCain.
Syria? Seriously? Seriously? WTF?
Syria? Seriously? Seriously? WTF?
I know. And I've just turned to CNN to see what they have on it and they're talking about whether comics are fair to McCain. The US military just killed a bunch of people in a country with whom we aren't weren't at war. Maybe something should show up on CNN's ticker, at least?
The US military just killed a bunch of people in a country with whom we aren't weren't at war. Maybe something should show up on CNN's ticker, at least?
We should at least have an assembly.
I know. And I've just turned to CNN to see what they have on it and they're talking about whether comics are fair to McCain. The US military just killed a bunch of people in a country with whom we aren't weren't at war. Maybe something should show up on CNN's ticker, at least?
From what I've been reading, it doesn't look like this was a case of "Where's the border? What?" It was more like, "We think there are weapons and fighters leaking in from Syria and we can't get to them to stop it so fuck it, we're going after 'em." Who approved this shit? Not like bombing across touchy Middle Eastern borders is a Good Thing, EVER. Was this just a poke to remind people that the GOP is the only one that can keep us safe and fight the War on Terra?
Just because I enjoyed the terribly British prose, the Financial Times endorses Obama: [link]
I think you need to drabble Spike meeting Edward. "Mate, what's with the fucking sparkly bits? You one of those Snow Baby figurines or what?"
This is making me ridiculously happy.
The bombing of Syria is canceling that happiness quite effectively.
Perhaps a cuddle of puppies will help with the happy: [link]
BBC speculation on what is behind the attack on Syria. [link]
With the Bush administration on the way out, this US military incursion may represent something of a parting shot against the Syrians.
It's clear that if Senator Barrack Obama were to win the White House, his key advisers are among the strongest advocates of engaging with Damascus across a broad spectrum of issues.
You know, I think I'm shocked. Killing 8 people to relieve their feelings by taking one final shot at an old enemy? Not surprising for this bunch, but still shocking if the distinction is clear.