You probably won't eat much at your own reception.
Totally true. My own wedding, I was corseted into my gown and trying to deal with my craxy SIL and the whole, you know, getting married thing, so I didn't eat a thing at the reception and neither did Lewis. But his mom, being a smart sort, had arranged with the country club to pack a take-away basket to stow in the getaway car.
We drove from Pensacola to Mobile, where we were flying out of the next morning, absolutely STARVING by the time we got there and drooling at the thought of prime rib sandwiches and veggies and wedding cake.
Dry turkey on white bread, without even a leaf of lettuce or drop of mayo or mustard anywhere on it. A small bunch of grapes. A handful of Nilla wafers.
We were Not Pleased.
Hopefully, the bon bon/Bob Bob getaway is far more successful!
Awww, congrats to the BonBobs!
Everyone, be afraid. I'm in the car with Cass, Plei, and SA, on the way to the Cobra Starship show.
Congrats to bon bon and Bob Bob!!!!
Congratulations Dr. and Mrs BonBob, Esq!
Everyone, be afraid. I'm in the car with Cass, Plei, and SA, on the way to the Cobra Starship show.
Shoo! Shoo! Bloody rampaging lunatics.
Everyone, be afraid. I'm in the car with Cass, Plei, and SA, on the way to the Cobra Starship show.
I'm only worried about the folks that get in your way.
We finished carving pumpkins tonight: One scary jack o'lantern (dubbed "Spooky" by Owen), bats against a moon ("Batty") and a wolf howling at a full moon.
When Owen was walking up to bed he told Christopher, "Daddy, you know Spooky and Batty are best pumpkin friends."
Congrats to the bonbobs!
I had pneumonia last spring, and the two major symptoms are a high fever and a persistent cough without congestion. Chest pain and shortness of breath are also indicators. You probably just have a cold, but don't put off going to the doctor if you think you might have pneumonia symptoms.
Thanks for the warning, Kristin. I have a persistent cough, but it's almost definitely due to post-nasal drip and congestion. If the cough and chest pain don't go away when the phlegm finally does, I'll go to a doctor.
I'm in the car with Cass, Plei, and SA, on the way to the Cobra Starship show.
t flashes Cobra sign
Actually, shrift, if you have phlegm, that's a good sign. (I'll take "things I never thought I'd say" for $200, Alex.)
(still not in bandom)
Uh huh...sure...
Everyone, be afraid. I'm in the car with Cass, Plei, and SA, on the way to the Cobra Starship show.
FANGS UP!! Whoo!!
I'm on my second night in of hardcore Photoshop editing. I really need to save up my pennies for a tablet, because this mouse shit ain't flyin'. Also, a bigger monitor would be nice. Two monitors would be nice, as well. Yes. And can I have Jason Momoa rubbing my shoulders, too? That'd be awesome.
Dear Buddha, please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket