Everyone, be afraid. I'm in the car with Cass, Plei, and SA, on the way to the Cobra Starship show.
FANGS UP!! Whoo!!
I'm on my second night in of hardcore Photoshop editing. I really need to save up my pennies for a tablet, because this mouse shit ain't flyin'. Also, a bigger monitor would be nice. Two monitors would be nice, as well. Yes. And can I have Jason Momoa rubbing my shoulders, too? That'd be awesome.
Dear Buddha, please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket
(still not in bandom)
LIAR. Lying liar who lies.
Gronk. I seem to still be dehydrated for no good reason. I keep drinking water, and I still feel like crap. And my DVD player is broken, so I can't even distract myself with movies.
Hil, have you been tested for diabetes? Or at least, could your blood sugar be low?
Technically, I'm not in bandom, either. It helps when I'm talking to people who have porn written about them on the internet.
Hil, have you been tested for diabetes? Or at least, could your blood sugar be low?
That's my guess. My glucose levels have been tested, and have always been normal, but I'm scheduled for a glucose tolerance test next week. Also, my apartment is really overheated this weekend, so that's not helping with the dehydration, but it's not hot enough in here for that to totally explain it.
Hm. Hil, you may want to get your insulin levels checked. Consistent dehydration is a sign of dangerously high insulin levels. And sheesh, when did I turn into a call-in doctor? I will shut up about medical stuff now.
t sends Juliana new monitor and cabana boy
In meme news, my neighbors are having a GIANT party that features a lot of traditional Mexican folk music. Normally I wouldn't mind this at all, but it's not helping my ability to write narrative comments. Good lord, the trumpets and tubas. This is why I suddenly started posting here, btw. I was being so good and was working so hard, and now I'm distracto-girl.
Technically, I'm not in bandom, either. It helps when I'm talking to people who have porn written about them on the internet.
On a technicality, I would have to say picspam 100 shots long or more would qualify as being "in bandom." Especially with commentary.
Odd flickr group o' the day: Robocop on a Unicorn
On a technicality, I would have to say picspam 100 shots long or more would qualify as being "in bandom." Especially with commentary.
I have never done this, q.e.d., not in Bandom!