Todd, I think when they took out her girl-parts it made her a Tom Boy. Or since she's a cat a Tomcat Girl. Or possibly some sort of Kitty Sufferagette. Or a lesbian -- did she get a tragic haircut? One if five lesbians do.
There is a pussy joke here somewhere...
Lesbians with Tragic hair story:
I grew up in a small church in a small town. Two kids I grew up with (we'll call them Joe and Dee) got married and had two little girls and then Dee (who had never gotten rid of her mullett) realized she was Lesbian. So she and Joe divorced.
But they still went to the same church. And both sets of parents still went to the same church. It was very convenient for handing the girls off -- they'd come to church each week with one parent and leave with the other. And Joe and his parents and Dee and her parents and the two little girls would all sit within a pew or two of each other (its just not that big a place). Eventually Joe brought his new girlfriend to church and Dee brought her new girlfriend to church.
The only thing I ever heard spoke about in hushed scandalized tones was that Dee's new gf had the same horrible mullet that Dee did.
I come from a pretty great little town and a pretty great little church. And part of me thinks that maybe Dee was just seeking mullet acceptance. Because in a town that judgmental about hair you do what you gotta do.