That reminds me I have to go up there tonight for food.
Me too! Heh. Seriously, this kitten EATS. In about 3 weeks I went through a bag for him and Devi of her spun-gold-for-turbulent-tummies food. It usually lasts a LOT longer. I found some much cheaper stuff for him,because at that price um, no.
He'll be extra dopey because he also got his followup distemper (I think?) shot and had a wee reaction to that, so they dosed him with benadryl.
An interesting look at the transition teams that Obama and McCain have.
The word "look" made me thing that for McCain they'd have a picture of some Orcs....
All this talk about cat supplies reminds me that I have to get some litter--the level in the box is running really low and it's about time to change it all out and scrub that thing.
Hilarious Go Fug Yourself post about Twilight: [link]
I really feel like I've done enough work today. AND I got credit for an idea that could be really good. Can I go home now?
I'm so far behind in this thread. Wow. Congrats to Jilli and Allyson for artwork and nearly being really and truly done! Yay Loki! That's all I've got.
I'm enjoying my day off tremendously (yay Jewish holidays!). I dropped my dog off to be groomed, made a couple of business calls I never have time to do during a school day, ate a lovely lunch out at a local cafe, and now am on my way over to the hospital to pick up copies of the tests they ran in the ER when I was there at the end of August. I have an appointment with a new ob/gyn today to follow up on those tests, and I suspect my enjoyable day may suffer a bit of a setback at that time. Feh.
I just saved our department like $400 and not one cent of it is being given to me. Where's the justice in THAT?!? 10% maybe, c'mon.
I just checked the Dow again, and... Holy shit! It's now down 552 (almost 6%) to 8705.
(I swear, the stock-tracking thing on my iPod is my favorite part.)
I think you must have a delay, it's down about 640 now.
I'm enjoying my day off tremendously (yay Jewish holidays!).
I really wish we got the day off for Jewish holidays. I've been going crazy this past week with getting people to cover for classes I'm supposed to teach and rearranging a bunch of meetings and stuff.