Poem o' the day:
Ode to Sean Hannity
by John Cleese
Aping urbanity
Oozing with vanity
Plump as a manatee
Faking humanity
Journalistic calamity
Intellectual inanity
Fox Noise insanity
You're a profanity
One minor quibble - I have a problem with making fun of fat people for their weight, even if it's someone I really hate... although I did find the index to "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" to be hysterical....
I'm just watching this all bemused.
People need to answer their damned emails. I kinda need this done TODAY, and the whole point of the exercise is moot if I have to wait until tomorrow.
Officemate's cell has a fake phone ring.
I now know this because it scared the shit out of me.
Cindy McCain needs to learn a bit more history if she thinks this is a dirty campaign. Now Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams in 1828, that was a dirty campaign.
I dunno, it must have been really hard to resist the rhyme with "manatee."
Yesterday I got a letter from the RNC asking for an emergency donation. They use "My Friends" in print too.
Mr. Dow is plummeting again. Looks like it could even fall below 9000. (It's down 255, to 9192 (quotes delayed 20 minutes).)
eta: Now it's only down 56. It's up, it's down, it's up, it's a barrel of monkeys....
I'm trying to pack for Friday and looked at the weather in Utah and saw snow flurries. Yikes. Not exactly what I was expecting.
Yeah, sorry about that. October in Utah. It won't stick, though. Just bring warm clothes.
It also snows in April here, with May not unheard of.