I'm getting my dad a bottle of his favorite after-dinner apertif, B&B. Another thing I've gotten for him in the past is a gift certificate to his favorite woodworker's shop, so he could buy wood for his various projects.
Does your dad have a favorite hobby or drink?
McCain just replaced "My fellow citizens" in a speech with "My Fellow Prisoners".
Uh oh. I get one phone call, right?
(I actually had the same thought about whether "that one" was code for "Mister, um, whatzisname over there, you know who I mean. Him.")
(I actually had the same thought about whether "that one" was code for "Mister, um, whatzisname over there, you know who I mean. Him.")
My friend and I call each other "That one" when we are fake exasperated with each other.
Dad's hobbies include: talking a lot, falling asleep while watching tv, working at the church, playing golf, reading the paper aloud (see #1), washing the car, reading (I do generally get him 1-2 books), building Habitat houses.
We gave him some golf lessons for Father's Day.
Dad's hobbies include: talking a lot, falling asleep while watching tv, working at the church, playing golf, reading the paper aloud (see #1), washing the car, reading (I do generally get him 1-2 books), building Habitat houses.
A megaphone, so more people can hear him talk!
With the added bonus of being vaguely racist and sort of like how you'd talk about the kid who broke your window with a baseball.
Heckuva job, Johnny Mac.
(Although apparently he's started being honest about his limitations as a speaker with his "prisoner" comment.)
(I actually had the same thought about whether "that one" was code for "Mister, um, whatzisname over there, you know who I mean. Him.")
"If I say 'Osama' again, he'll fucking gut me...metaphorically. But I can't...his name is on the tip of my tongue...banana fanna fo fanna me my oh manna...fuck it."
building Habitat houses
Do any of his tools need replacing, or are there any tools he's mentioned would make his work on the houses easier? I know my dad's expressed some serious desire for a lathe for his workshop, but there's no room so he can't get one.