building Habitat houses
Do any of his tools need replacing, or are there any tools he's mentioned would make his work on the houses easier? I know my dad's expressed some serious desire for a lathe for his workshop, but there's no room so he can't get one.
Oh, and I know someone who was, until recently, still a pro-Hillary, anti-Obama person, but has just dramatically come around with a huge tl;dr blog post. So that's something. And he's a youngish white male!
McCain should refer to him as the Junior Senator from Illinois, right? that's pissy, but factual.
Lisa - HA!!
Kathy, maybe.
what does tl;dr mean?
Too long; didn't read.
Aka, the reason the LJ cut exists.
Hivemind: how is the name Aisling pronounced?
Signed, those Celts get me every time.
I've never heard of that and it is AWESOME!!!
Aye zling
I think
eta I actually have NO idea but that's how I say it in my head! ha