(I actually had the same thought about whether "that one" was code for "Mister, um, whatzisname over there, you know who I mean. Him.")
"If I say 'Osama' again, he'll fucking gut me...metaphorically. But I can't...his name is on the tip of my tongue...banana fanna fo fanna me my oh manna...fuck it."
building Habitat houses
Do any of his tools need replacing, or are there any tools he's mentioned would make his work on the houses easier? I know my dad's expressed some serious desire for a lathe for his workshop, but there's no room so he can't get one.
Oh, and I know someone who was, until recently, still a pro-Hillary, anti-Obama person, but has just dramatically come around with a huge tl;dr blog post. So that's something. And he's a youngish white male!
McCain should refer to him as the Junior Senator from Illinois, right? that's pissy, but factual.
Lisa - HA!!
Kathy, maybe.
what does tl;dr mean?
Too long; didn't read.
Aka, the reason the LJ cut exists.
Hivemind: how is the name Aisling pronounced?
Signed, those Celts get me every time.
I've never heard of that and it is AWESOME!!!