Theo, that "take on me" video was hysterical. That was one of my absolute favorite songs when it cam out, too!
F: CK, C: JAR, M: AD
F: Browder, C: Vartan, M: Barrowman
I agree with Ailleann. Since Barrowman is gay, I think he would make a better marriage partner, and then I can have BB on the side. Although BB seems practically perfect in every way.
I heard that NPR interview with Breathed. The story of the genesis of the kids' book was awesome.
Loki is on minute 75 (!!) of whack. Devi sleeps.
I routinely buy an Economist to read on the plane. Never fails to make me laugh out loud at least once, reading some serious article where the writer takes a wild verbal hair. If I could manage to even keep up with my Monitor subscription (I can't, I'm about 3/4 through the past week's) I'd so subscribe.
Hey, Kat -- did your project get funded?
Also, do cats feel free to walk over each other the way my cat feels free to walk over me?
do cats feel free to walk over each other the way my cat feels free to walk over me?
Cats tend to smack each other when they get walked on. Though they will occasionally barf on each other, garnering looks of disbelief.
Mister Kitty certainly tries. But Devi doesn't like being tromped across and bolts before he makes much progress. Loki might be trying to walk across MK, but it is more a plea for attention in the form of a tacklehug.
I shove him off, but my nails aren't sharp enough to swipe at him! Oh well, I guess he knows I'm a softie.
do not know because I have never had two cats, but mine walks on me all the time.
That reminds me that they are trying to "borrow" 2 cats to sit on stage during the play we are working on. They want them to interact with the cast and and mayhem. I think they might just wander off. Or pee. Or go into the audience. It seems like an idea with disaster potential.
Real animals and real food do not belong on stage! Speaks the former propster.
real food do not belong on stage!
We have a real tomato being squashed and rubbed into someone's costume! I at least got to pick the costume (I picked washable and dark)