From the transcript on the CBS website:
Couric: Your church sponsored a conference that claimed to be able to convert gays into heterosexuals through prayer. Do you think that gays can be converted, governor?
Palin: Well, you're absolutely wrong, again, on the facts. My church, I don't have a church, I'm not a member of any church. I get to visit a couple of churches in Alaska when I'm home, including one, Wasilla Bible Church, and that's the one that you're talking about.
It would be interesting to see when she last was a member of a church.
This is on a par with Shrub, darling of the fundamentalists, who doesn't attend church.
Yeah, the witch-hunter video was from the church she grew up in, but apparently she's not currently a member there; and anyway he's not the regular pastor there -- he's a traveling speaker/evangelist type.
Neither of those things makes the whole scene any less creepy, but I always have this annoying need to get factcheck-y.
(Actually, I have a whole bunch of other thoughts about Palin's religiosity, but they're not in a making-sense place, and anyway are probably fairly boring.)
darling of the fundamentalists, who doesn't attend church.
HOW can fundies support someone who doesn't even have a church home? How is is possible to manipulate such a literalist community while not walking the talk?
I strongly suspect that any physical records that deem him fit to be Commander in Chief have been doctored.
No need; there are thousands of pages of them and they allowed reporters access for something like three hours with no note-taking allowed.
He goes to church now, right? We were discussing this here in the last month and I think he does attend somewhere regularly.
Neither of those things makes the whole scene any less creepy, but I always have this annoying need to get factcheck-y. I really appreciate the correctness. If I'm going to rant, I want to have at least a glancing relationship with the truth.
HOW can fundies support someone who doesn't even have a church home? How is is possible to manipulate such a literalist community while not walking the talk?
Pro-Life, Anti-Gay Marriage, Pro-Gun
Pro-Life, Anti-Gay Marriage, Pro-Gun
I get that, but if she doesn't have a religious home she can point to and say 'this is where my beliefs come from', I just don't see how church-bound folk could trust her. Then again, this goes back to my original fear, which is that it doesn't matter if you have a moral leg to stand on as long as you look like Mickey Mouse or have white, white teeth.
I thought an interesting part of the debate was when they agreed on the issue of gay-marriage/civil unions. It may have been my imagination, but I got a vibe of "that can't be right" from Palin.