Grrrr. I just lost a whole bunch of pictures because iphoto crashed while it was finishing an import. GRRRRRRR.... ANGRY.
Also, possibly, this is a sign to delete some of the pics off the computer.
Did I mention that some of the lost pictures are of Noah at the Oktoberfest Beer Garden with a beer foam mustache?
ION: Happy New Year, Jewistas!
Let us be for head and not for tail! (yeah, that's a real greeting. I shit you not).
Seriously - may it be better, healthier, whole(r?) year for us all. Spend time with our dear and loved ones, fulfilling whatever it may be, and just have a good, wonderful, wicked fun year. All wishes goes for any non-Jewistas as well, of course.
Oh Kat. Grrr Arrg indeed.
Shana Tova!
I am still awake. I should be asleep.
I told my parents today that my degree is going to take a least one semester longer, and possibly two more semesters, than I'd planned. And also that I'm not going to get any funding for that extra time from the university. They said they're OK with it as long as I am, and that they'd help me out with money for a semester or two.
I'm kind of going crazy this week, because I've got all kinds of holiday stuff to do, but also all my school stuff, since I've got papers to grade, and research to type up, and all kinds of things like that that don't stop just because there's a holiday in the middle of the week.
My grandma's traditional holiday greeting was "Good yontif, pontiff."
Happy New Year! And a related funny: [link]
Skipping (there, this is one habit I totally don't need to carry with me to next year!) and poking head for just a minute, before I have to leave early for my parents' place for the holiday (my poor mom doesn't feel so well and she asked me to arrive as early as possible to help her with some of the preparations), to wish a as-good-as-possible Monday, a good week, a happy new year to those who get a new year Monday evening, and just general all-good-things and I-miss-you-guys all around.
Oh, and according to the Buffista Calendar, Tuesday, the 30th, will be Alibelle's birthday. I will not be in front of a computer then, so early special wishes for her, as well!
Can I just say "Jewistas" cracked my shit UP?! In a good way.
Can I just say "Jewistas" cracked my shit UP?! In a good way.
They're a wryly witty people.