Skipping the last 673 for now:
I got to see my brother defend his diss and it was AWESOME. The first half (background) I didn't really understand (it was lingo heavy, but he clearly knew what he was talking about) but the second half, about the experiments themselves, I did, largely due to his talking about them to me over the past 4 years, and providing lay translations back then. He got some tough questions (and this was after his private defense with his committee) and fielded them well. It was so cool to see my brother clearly the expert, and confident in that. Also, him in a suit. He wears them frequently enough, but I haven't seen him in one since my college graduation. So I'd be watching and there'd be this realization that this smart-sounding, grown-up, good looking dude was MY BROTHER.
We keep calling him Dr. Josh A. and he's quite discomfited by it. So we use it measuredly. Like when we want to annoy.
He totally used the picture of me and the Rover in his dedication and said "and my sister, who shown here is about to hit the Rover with a rock." Ah, siblings.
I got plenty of time with the nephews. D glommed onto me (he'll be 6 this xmas) and I was clearly The Person To Do Stuff With. Which is just awesome. I did a lot of coloring and reading books. When I arrived, I picked up him & T from daycare and took them to the airport to pick up my parents. Now, T is 16 months and can't possibly remember me from a year ago, but he was excited to go with me and clearly felt totally safe with me. Which is a nice feeling.
From the airport, I called my brother on my cell and put D on the line (remember, he didn't know I was coming.) My brother was so confused! It was great. I love sitting around with him, just shooting the shit like we do on the phone and I got to do a lot of that.
Great 4 days. More later, as I think of it.
I really want them closer.
Loki is BONKERS which is making Devi BONKERS. Tonight will be interesting.
And I DON'T have a build tomorrow.
Shuttle mission was moved to 10/14.