I can see worry about getting the postdoc too. The defense is a Big Deal. But then the post doc is the rest of life.
I just watched
In Bruges.
Not all of it, but enough to know I still love Colin Ferrell and I am reminded of how much I loved Bruges when I visited.
I'm trying to articulate why the politics from the pulpit thing irks me so much.
I *knew* Josh'd do fine. He knew he knew his stuff, he doesn't get nerves. He channels all his fear into excitement (c'mon, he races cars) and totally knows he does that.
Um, he's a PhD who races cars?
Also, I will be happy to never watch a Presidential debate with my dad ever again. As it was, I was merely hearing it from the bedroom as I drew, colored and named weird monsters and that was more than enough.
Congrats to the bro, sarameg, it sounds like a great weekend.
He's happily married, sorry. Not stock cars. He's souped up his 1990 Nissan 300SX that he takes to the tracks when they have amateur driving sessions (that the participants pay for.) They pair him with a trainer and run 'em through the course.
Oh, I don't like stock cars. Sports cars are
He's happily married, sorry.
::makes chaste hearteyes::
Did you know Ben & Jerry's has a Crème Brûlée flavor?
It is very nummy.
Sports cars are puuuurty.
We passed a real Ferrari today going to lunch. Low, and wide, and bright green. Every now and then, something exotic rumbles by in my dull town, and things aren't quite so dull for a little bit.
Did you know Ben & Jerry's has a Crème Brûlée flavor?
Get thee behind me Ben & Jerry! At least till after my doctor's appointment on Tuesday.
Shit, Devi's drawn first blood. Poor Loki's nose.
This is gonna be a looooong adjustment period. I may drug the cats.