HMOG, iz it can be naptimez nao, plz? Can' Caffeine not helping. Send elves with eye-propping toothpicks, or to paint eyeballs on closed lids. And something to prevent snoring.
I got the usual five hours last night--what's with the sleepy?
Do I get a cookie for being good and getting all this stuff done?
I've got to do grades after school today. Technically, they're not due till 4 on Monday, but my day Monday is a hectic mess. Grades get done today.
I am pooped. This week was dress rehearsals for the fall show. Middle school brain, "Oh, the performance isn't until Tuesday. I have a TON of time to memorize lines." My brain, "Shit! They open in 4 days and they don't have their lines memorized yet!!"
New parts for the old furnace: $189.59
Labor: $70.00
Old, corroded parts for Daniel to take apart and play with: Priceless.
We are doing a company barbeque today, so I was up before work cleaning our grill, which I get to go home and pick up later. I also stopped to pick up burgers at one store and will go out with Alibelle later to get the rest of the food at the other stores we have to hit. Lotsa running around yet to come.
The BBQ will be fun, but it does mean I will have to come in on Sunday to do all the actual work I can't do today.
Ugh. In the process of doing my annual self-evaluation. Do not want to do!
Finding new ways to say the same old (sometimes non-) BS is really tedious. My brain; she begins to seize up.
Ugh. In the process of doing my annual self-evaluation. Do not want to do!
Maybe Allyson's boss could do it for you?
Allyson's boss is a dick and clearly a terrible manager.
Gronk. I should got get some work done, but I'm still lying on my couch. I thought maybe eating lunch would give me enough energy to get dressed and go work, but it seems not.
I'm watching a Swingtown marathon, and they keep showing eHarmony commercials, which is kind of cracking me up.
ChiKat...Break a Leg to your students.
Peaceful ~ma to you.
I couldn't work with middle schoolers...the high school freshmen are pushing my limits these days! My production is in about 5.5 weeks. I'm already thinking "So much to do!" We are doing a Home Depot run in a bit. The kids are as excited about lumber as I am. The set design we came up with rawks! (if I do say so myself)