Also, should electric type boats be in the bathwater, because unless they are made like the special water safe vibrators, it seems like a good way to get electrocuted.
I don't think toy batteries have enough juice to electrocute someone, but considering the uses being discussed I can imagine a very unfortunate perm resulting.
wind-up bath toys, not electric or battery.
I think 5:30 movie start times would be an excellent plan.
I very much want to run away from work and possibly drop in at a day spa for the rest of the day.
Points to Dana's co-worker for the idea, squick for the execution.
figure out where That Smell is coming from in my kitchen.
Dead mouse, underneath the fridge.
I almost wish that the toy boat fetish had remained shrouded in mystery.
to figure out where That Smell is coming from in my kitchen
Oh, I was playing that game last night. The winner was a can of old cat food that I had put by the sink earlier in the week when I didn't want to deal with it because it was gross. It was even more disgusting now.
I think we need to get Mythbusters involved. Some women in bathtubs with toy boats - it'd be a ratings bonanza.
I almost wish that the toy boat fetish had remained shrouded in mystery.
I'm still not convinced. With this origin story, wouldn't you just become a vibrator fetishist? It just doesn't seem confined to boats. It could be a wind-up duck, but I don't see toy duck fetishists!
to figure out where That Smell is coming from in my kitchen.
Oh, I hate playing Where's That Smell. Such an evil game!