I take it back. Thirty's too young. Thirty five is good and proper. At thirtynine, I'm totally cougar.
Except--second childhood. Or, more accurately, extended first. Since I never actually grew up properly does it count? I completely fail to feel at all creepy about it when it does happen.
Wait- what is the x again?
Did I just hear Super Porny Pants call herself a eunuch?
And 24!! Happy birthday Patrick!
Did I just hear Super Porny Pants call herself a eunuch?
IRL I sort of am. Don't ask me to explain it, but its a fascinating invisibility phenomenon in bars, clubs, etc.
In the John Hughes movie of life I always end up being the best-friend-girl but I never seem to show up a the prom in the killer dress.
Wait- what is the x again?
X is your age. So, at 34, you should date people older than 24, since (34/2)+7 < 24+.
X is your age. So, at 34, you should date people older than 24, since (34/2)+7 < 24+.
If they have
This is a much easier formula to remember.
Well, if I followed the rule, my dating range would be 28-64, both extremes of which would creep me out.
By that formula, when I am 36, patrick and I will be perfect for each other. If I can do math.
All I know is that ageofconsent.com was a very useful tool while it was up. Beyond that? Depends on the person. I have not led the sort of life that leaves me with the luxury of saying "Well, he's funny and interesting and sexy and I love his company--but he's too young/old for me."
I don't have the opportunity to start that sentence. I can't imagine finishing it that way.
If they have tattoos they're legal. This is a much easier formula to remember.
::sits with Super Porny Pants Trudy::
I try not to think about how old (or, um, not) Brendon Urie is. And I really try not to think about how old I am.