meara- that is dumb. Even if you were disengaged, why do adult people "tattle".
I have been wondering about the term "cougar" applying to older women. is is based on how old the boy is relative to the woman, or just women over a certain age. This comes about because I was just daydreaming about Patrick Stump, who is 23!!!
Sophia, you're a cougar. I think with a twenty three year old guy we're talking cougar, as soon as the woman passes...twenty eight? Thirty? Yeah, maybe thirty.
I think cougar also implies someone tanner and more toned than I am, but since I am unlikely to actually meet the lead singer of FOB, it is sort of moot.
Twenty-eight, really? Until that
30 Rock
episode, I had only really thought of the term being used for women in their forties and fifties. Maybe because of that T-Mobile commercial with Felicia Day.
PC, I am 34, so I feel borderline.
However, I seem to look like John Travolta in Hairspray, if this pictur is any indication [link] My bosses are tiny!
I only go to the SD Comic-Con, but I've never had a problem. Probably because I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans and there are many, many, many half-naked costumed women to gape at. Not that that makes groping okay, mind.
PC, I am 34, so I feel borderline.
Patrick's birthday is on Sunday! 24 seems so much less creepy, or at least it does if you're me and have been perving on him since he was 22.
Sigh. Now I really want someone to try to grope me ( a con, not, like, on the street or something. Though since I don't go to cons, it's sort of a tall order) just so I can kick their ass. Get some aggression out. Etc.
I don't think I've ever been perved on. Seriously.
I'm sort of eunichy or something. Usually I mind it. On this front? I do not.
PC, I am 34, so I feel borderline.
Well, by the "(X/2)+7 < Y" rule, you are.