Oh, dear, Cashmere! I'm so sorry, you.
I just finally finished a project that I thought we be done around noon. I'm so frustrated. I know part of why I'm moving slowly is because I feel like crap and can't breathe well, but you know, it's not helping the to do list!
Just ordered food and now I get to start studying for tomorrow's exams. YIPPEE!
One of the indulgences I bought in Vegas was a turquoise pashmina at a kiosk in Caesar's. So snuggly and soft and gorgeous--and so warm wrapped around my shoulders here at my desk under the air conditioning vent.
The one weekend I had bellinis, I wanted to kiss everyone.
Seriously, on me, champagne= ecstasy.
Very cool...very unlike me. not the way to end a business lunch.
Well, Aims, I'm sorry, but he's nuts.
But it could be worse, you could have been Mike Rowe and had to stick your finger up his ass.
IJS.ETA: Seriously, DJ has given me a completely new bad-day rubric.
"Today sucked,"
"But did you have to stick your finger up anything's rectum?"
"No, of course not."
Your Self-Talk May Vary.
"Well, I guess you'll live then."
Cashmere so sorry.
Aims: may your ex-boss get exactly what he deserves. Pure justice, with no trace of mercy. That may be the worst possible to wish on somebody.
Damnit, erika! You're going to bust me out at work, I nearly had to ask for the Heimlich manuever.
in the Queen Mary's defence, the Observation Lounge (which I can't stop feeling should really be called Ten Forward) may not be able to make a proper Bellini but Sir Winston's Restaurant rocked my champagne cocktail and that's the drink I order to see if the bartender really knows his shtuff.
you could have been Mike Rowe and had to stick your finger up his ass.
Yup, I'm going to have to watch my Dirty Jobs DVDs again, just so I can watch Mike's face when he hears the things he has to do.
It's funny cause it's true, Sail.
I'm shocked at the number of Jobs that involve that kind of thing.
If I had to, I could bear up, I'm not saying that, but I think a lot of the anticipation would be gone from that particular day.
You feel me?
has Mike done shaft cleaning yet? I tried looking it up on the Dirty Jobs website but with no success. I haven't had my hand in anyone's rectum but I have been up to my forearm in a horse's penis.
Aw, sorry, Connie. I know that's a hardship, too. Being that he's been beat with the ugly stick.(/sarcasm font)
Yeah, he's such a trouper, but every once in a while, you see this look like "Is it too late for grad school?" or "Man. I thought I hated the *tights*."
It doesn't last long, though. ETA: Possibly, Laga...I'm such a newbie. But I have been flagged for profanity on their board already.(I used the word "lick" which had been flagged. Seriously. But they are REALLY worried about that board turning into Rowe's Bitches...won't somebody think of the children?)
So, did the horse call the next day?(/amateur Rowe)