Aw, sorry, Connie. I know that's a hardship, too. Being that he's been beat with the ugly stick.(/sarcasm font)
Yeah, he's such a trouper, but every once in a while, you see this look like "Is it too late for grad school?" or "Man. I thought I hated the *tights*."
It doesn't last long, though. ETA: Possibly, Laga...I'm such a newbie. But I have been flagged for profanity on their board already.(I used the word "lick" which had been flagged. Seriously. But they are REALLY worried about that board turning into Rowe's Bitches...won't somebody think of the children?)
So, did the horse call the next day?(/amateur Rowe)
I know I posted pictures of her just the other day...but my daughter is such a goof: [link]
In fact it was this horse's penis. Poor Hansel (the grey guy) had an illness that created a lot of gunk which neccessitated cleaning once a week (most horses need it twice a year at most). The guy with the blue ribbons in his mane is Sunny. I got to be his groom when he pulled Dr. Dulcamarra's wagon in Elisir Di Amore at the Lyric Opera. Weird that they have two pics of carriage horses on their site and they just happen to be two of the horses I was most intimate with when I worked at Noble.
Well, somewhere with all the inseminations, I wouldn't be surprised.
Yeah, love horses, but that's a Dirty Job.
Especially if he never sent flowers.
he gave very sweet kisses...
oh the cheek! god you people are sick.
Sunny never gave me flowers either but on opening night at the opera my family sent two bouquets. One was in my dressing room and the other backstage in the freight elevator that served as a stall between acts. I got a beautiful flower arrangement and Sunny got a bundle of carrots tied with a raffia bow!
One of my very favorite DJ clips involves Rowe talking to a pig he's just inseminated, essentially as if he's been overcome with chemistry, but he knows it wouldn't last.
It sounds much weirder just written like that.
Ouch. Laga. Stop. I know a horse is much bigger than me, but the thought of being fisted really hurts.
Aims, I'm a bit late to the party, but, I really think it was a favor. Yes the paycheck is nice. But the bullshit.. well, it was bullshit. I agree with ND, odds are he's seeing tight margins and you got the short straw. Was there a severance package? Does he have to give notice? Is there some procedure he needs to follow (memo, then warning, meeting, one more time and you outta here). I seem to recall some very non-functional meetings called, but... Oh hell, I don't know. But milk every dime out of him you can.
IO-me-N, so the Head Explodey news is now public. Here's what went down weeks ago. My boss asked me to carpool. While driving in, I asked if he needed a ride home. "Nope, wife & kid is picking me, we're going on vacation" "at this time in the season??" "Kids spring break" "oh. ok. Where to?" "Dallas" "Dallas?" "We are going to visit {former General Manager here, current Managing Director somewhere else}" "um.. is this a job interview?!?!" "kinda. Don't tell ANYONE"
Well, he got the job. I'm happy for him, and sad for workplace. He really has been the best boss I've ever had (ND excluded). He's been the mortar in keeping us sane of late. And been a great advocate, as well as shielding us from a lot of the bullshit from the higher ups. And now he's leaving. I was sworn to secrecy, since I was a jack ass and guessed right off the bat. But now can spill the beans. HUGE for us... nsm for y'all, I'm guessing. Pardon me as we play taps and whimper in the corner...
I almost inhaled a sunflower seed. Some posts should come with a warning.
edit: that was directed at Mike Rowe falling in love with a pig, not Omnis' exciting and scary job news.
and ftr Hansel did seem to enjoy it in a "oh it feels good to get that gunk out of there" way. On the other hand he'd have been a lot easier to clean if he'd enjoyed it in the other way.
Dear lungs,
Just stop it. Seriously.