Hmm. I think I would poke out my eyes to avoid witnessing family nudity. After my parents got divorced when I was 12, when my Dad had my brother and I for the weekend, we'd go out on my uncle's boat if the weather was good. And the adults would drinks massive quanities of beer, and act like fools, but keep their clothes on. Until one of my cousins (so, my age, or a year or 2 older) thought it would be fun to pull down my dad's swimsuit in front of everyone.
I was less than happy about that, let me tell you. I know my dad has naughty bits, because, hey, I'm living proof of the whole reproductive thing, but I don't need to see it. EVER.
(Not to mention that he also wore a ::shudder:: Speedo swimsuit, so it's not like anything was hidden anyway.)
I think the last time I saw my dad nekkid I was about four. The last time I saw my mom nekkid was in a sauna when I was about 11.
Oh, I forgot to mention in re: Erin's STBXEmployers.
My work here is done.
Good Lord. I think I'd rather see my dad in the nip than in a speedo, to be honest. Fashion's cruelest joke, to be sure.
I saw my mom naked lots as a child (and still see her in her bra pretty frequently as that is how she gets ready in the morning, a trait I picked up from her). I'm sure I saw my dad at some point, but I'm not remembering it. My crazy family likes to talk about my dad being well-endowed. Ew, so something I never needed to know.
a speedo
Well, he was 42, and newly divorced, and he was trying to be all cool and shit. He also pierced his ear, which mortified me, because I was 12 and DADS DON'T DO THAT. Especially not in the mid-1980s in Ohio.
He also took me to a bar once, at age 12 or 13, when he had us for the weekend. I mentioned it to mom, and I'm not sure how badly she maimed him, but it never happened again.
Parents! Impossible to raise, I tell you what.
Now he chooses to bedevil me by having heart attacks. I think I'd take the Speedo back, if it meant no more calls from the cardiac ICU.
My crazy family likes to talk about my dad being well-endowed.
Ack! Not.Enough.Therapy.In.The.WORLD.
If it were my family that is. As for your family, GC, well -- mazel tov!
Parents! Impossible to raise, I tell you what.
This is so very true.
He also took me to a bar once, at age 12 or 13,
I was pretty much raised in pubs, I think. Most of them had playgrounds, at least...?
It definitely sounds worse than it is, but it's still gross. My family likes to get their party on and inevitably some questionable shit gets tossed out there.
ETA: This is extended family.
I was pretty much raised in pubs, I think. Most of them had playgrounds, at least...?
America seems to be a little less flexible on kids in bars. Definitely no playgrounds, which would have ROCKED.